You’re Magic! 9 Ways to Remember Your Magic.

You are magic. You are made of stardust. The molecules that make up the unique being of you are the same as those found in the matter of bright, twinkling stars. 


Your soul is a grand being of light. And you came to this Earth with a very specific purpose. You came here to light up the world. 


Oftentimes through the process of incarnation and becoming conditioned by the systems of family, school, society and life, most of us forget our magic. I did. For a long time I did. We can lose our way as we become mindlessly wrapped up in work, schedules, plans and to-do lists. But thankfully we can remember too. And we do, if we choose to. 


Remembering is a never ending process. There are so many layers of ourselves to be discovered and excavated from the depths of our souls. Awakening to our magic can happen in stages or suddenly. Wherever you are in this moment is perfect. But there is more–if you so choose to explore. 


We are in a new age–a new chapter of humanity. It is time to let go of whatever limiting patterns, beliefs, fears and worries that are holding you back from experiencing the fullest expression of who you are–the magic of that you are.


You are special. You are unique–with a very specific gift and superpower to share with the world. It’s time to remember your magic. 


Anything and everything is possible. You create this life. What you dream is possible. Choose to believe in and use your magic. Create that magical life! Because you are magic. And now it is time to remember your magic even more. And how wonderful it is that you were guided here... 



9 Ways to Remember Your Magic

  • Retreat from the happenings of everyday and listen to the whispers of the heart on sacred lands around the globe.
  • Commune with Nature–swim in the sea and gaze into the sunrise. 
  • Sit in meditation and feel at peace, relaxing into the moment, stilling the mind–listen to the guidance of the soul.
  • Open to embodied practices like yoga and dance that allow for the expansion and alignment of your big, majestic being in order to feel and embody your magic even more. 
  • Receive the transformation of ancient ceremony and the medicine of the elements of the Earth passed on by those who have walked before us. 
  • Nourish the body with healthy foods, providing a clear channel for the divine to flow through.
  • Allow Reiki energy healing to illuminate your being as you attune to the highest frequency of love with the support of compassionate light workers empowering you on your journey.
  • Listen to and feel the beauty of song as it serenades, heals and relaxes your being. 
  • Try new things, meeting new people, adventure and explore.
  • Be open to the unknown and all of the magnificent opportunities and possibilities.


These ways are pretty magical. And there is a perfect opportunity to experience all of these magnificent ways...


Join us for the Radiant Remembrance Retreat in Tulum Mexico April 23-29. We are having a free healing treat via Google Hangout and Q&A Friday March 18 at 7AM PST for those around the globe interested in attending the retreat with a special healing treat! Join us. Send me your email and i can send you the link. 

We love you and believe in your magic!
