Superfood Spotlight: Sweet Potato

As we say goodbye to winter, I couldn’t help but celebrate sweet potatoes because they are indeed one of my favorite vegetables. I eat them as much as I can and find myself craving them! 

They are considered one of the most nutritious foods on the planet! And if you can get your hands on the purple Japanese ones called Imo from Okinawa (where people have the longest lifespan) even better!

Sweet Potatoes are rich in:

  • Potassium: we can all benefit from consuming more potassium, which is essential to maintain muscle and cardiovascular function.
  • Carotenoids: anti-oxidants that fight inflammation and cancer
  • Vitamin C: a cup serving of sweet potatoes has about 50% of the total value you need for the day!

This sweet root is also great source of fiber, and they help regulate blood sugar. Some studies link sweet potatoes to weight control.

Sweet potatoes are super easy to make.

  • Boil them whole until soft.
  • Wrap in foil and place them in the oven.
  • Chop them up to steam.
  • Chop them up to bake or broil in the oven with some olive oil, sea salt, & cinnamon. 
