Posts tagged greatest becoming

It’s not the things that happen to us, but rather our interpretation of them. The same event could happen to 3 different people. One would say that was good luck, the other bad luck, and the other may not even think it significant. One aspect of living a spiritual life is giving meaning to things, knowing that nothing is random or happens by chance.

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Our blossoming goes through seasons.

Indeed this is normal. But what if we have the power for it to be spring and summer as much as we desire it to be?…so that the fruits of our labor continue to blossom and produce even more ✨ I believe we do have this power… That’s why we invest in high level healing, coaching and mentorship.

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Your past doesn't define you💫

I did a thing yesterday. I faced a fear and shared all the wild and crazy things of my past with some sisters. As I shared them I realized how far away they are from where I am today. I shared as a practice to walk through any fear or shame that any of these experiences may have had consciously or unconsciously over me.

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