Posts tagged ultimate year
It happens.

It happens. Life throws you curves balls and circumstances to which you have no control over… You try your best to shift things and make things happen and “do” your way out of it, but nothing seems to make a difference…

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How much of your life are you are yes baby yes?

How much of your life are you are yes baby yes? A full turned on yes… An ohh baby yes??? There’s ordinary living and extraordinary living. Ultimate living is within the realm of extraordinary…

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3 Offers This Month!

The next Ascension Code is here…Surrender. And right at the perfect time. There has been a cosmic joke with the Divine that I must live each one to the fullest. | Beginning Friday I’ll be sharing another side of the wisdom and consciousness I transmit that I haven’t so openly shared before in this 3 day event. | My work is actual energetics.
Not just talking about it. We work on your energy body and your subtle energy layers to create transformation. But if you’re ready for ultimate embodiment and ultimate living it begins with you and the nuances of your energy 🌟

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Money helps heal ✨ Money is Spiritual begins today 💵

On my spiritual journey, I’ve realized that healing and optimizing my relationship to money has been essential for my greatest becoming. Especially in times of money’s natural ebbs and flows. Things about ourselves are revealed when we are in the negative as well as when we are in overflow. Money has been a catalyst for some of my most profound perspective shifts and deep healings.

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Heart bursting gratitude 💖

The amount of gratitude I feel this morning my heart could just burst. I wish this for everyone. This is my third Malibu beach home and they have all found me miraculously and beautifully. My soul knows such peace in these healing sanctuaries I create. I have 2 clients here for a 4 day mentorship retreat where I am transmitting my light language and energy healing gifts to them. The pride and joy to see the ripple effect of my work is just

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The Universe and Spirituality Course have your back 🙏🏽💖✨

What makes your life ultimate is how you CHOOSE to live it. But even before that is how you THINK about your life and what happens. As well as what you BELIEVE your life could be for you. There is a divine timing. Things fall apart or happen in unexpected ways so that even better things come together. Never settle because what you truly desire is around the corner.

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Spirituality is the key to unlocking your next level.

I've had people interested in working with me be in awe of my transformation over the years and what I have manifested in my business and life. One client said she was called to sign up for my program because she felt like I had found an imaginary bridge and she wanted to learn from me what it is. I believe my secret sauce is Spirituality. You may have noticed a theme in my other courses this year–Meditation, Rituality, Manifestation–all connected to Spirituality.

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Life doesn’t happen to you. You manifest it.

Go where your heart leads you... Even if there is no path... Create one. When others see your happiness, That you’ve made it, They will follow. Simply by being the living example of what’s possible we ignite hope in others. This archetype I call the muse.

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Got Courage? A requirement to live your ultimate life...

It’s important for you to know that living your ultimate life takes courage. Courage to step into the unknown. Courage to go against what is safe, the “norm,” and comfortable. Courage to walk away from whatever is not in alignment. Fear is inevitable. Sometimes you’ll feel as though you are jumping off a cliff.

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What are you doing differently to live your ultimate life?

You’ve heard me say this before... Your energy is deciding everything all the time. Is your energy an energetic match for living your ultimate life?

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