The Experience of Human Emotion

There’s something I find very curious about the human experience.

Specifically emotions…

I’ve always been fascinated by humans and how they function.
Hence why I became a doctor.

In college I studied psychology to better understand the mind, formation, motives and what makes people the way they are.

In medical school I learned the functions of the body.

On my spiritual path I awakened to the understanding of our spirit and how it interfaces with matter and the body.

In another masters program I deepened in understanding of the energetics that govern our physical and spiritual experiences.

I enjoy pondering things.
Figuring things out.
Connecting the dots and seeing how everything is interconnected.

Recently I caught myself in a mental masturbation wondering:

Why is it that humans become sad when they say goodbye to something or someone they know isn’t serving them?

I would think the feeling would be happiness, joy, elation, a celebration.

But no,
It’s sadness.
Or one of its many shades.

Then the answer came to me:

Everything has a pro and a con. Even the seemingly bad things serve in some way.

Humans innately see the good and remember the good. (Even if some tend to see the glass half empty).

So there is sadness with any farewell, and it’s actually just a reflection of what beautiful, sensitive, sweet creatures we are.

The departure of anything can feel like a loss.

And that’s ok. And it’s beautiful.

So may we give ourselves permission to mourn every little thing.
Whether it’s a break up.
Quitting a job.
Leaving a city.
Selling your home.
Fill in the blank on something you’ve let go of because it was time to move on but it still made you sad.

Your mourning, your sadness, your grief is welcomed in all its forms.

Ride the wave of emotions.
Cry. Be sad, angry, hurt, nostalgic, shocked. Cry some more.
It’s just energy. An experience.
It’ll pass if you allow yourself to feel it.

But whatever you do please don’t shut off, suppress or regret it, because then the energy gets trapped and festers and can become a whole other emotional or relational problem, even disease.

Be like water, my love.
Let the emotions flow.

With ❤️
#drnikkistarr #drlove