Trust is a Choice

When we choose to live a spiritual life, we often have no idea how interconnected and intelligent reality really is.

For me, living a spiritual life is giving meaning to things and being intentional about everything.

Back at the start of 2022, I chose Trust as the word of the year. I had no idea what I was thinking 😅 because the tests and trials I’ve been put through to support me in embodying this higher frequency state of being have been unreal!

The lessons continue to arrive for me in order to better understand trust in all its forms and then to better be able to share about it with you, and guide my clients and students on matters of trust.

Most recently I’ve deepened into the knowing that is it a choice.
Just as our perception is.

Regardless of the circumstances that occur we can either trust or not, just as we can choose to see that something is “good” or not.

It’s all about the lens through which we choose to see things…

If we truly believe that:

Everything is happening for our greatest becoming.

The Universe desires to give us our desires.

We live in a benevolent Universe, incarnated for our souls continued evolution.

Then we can trust that everything is happening is FOR us, for our greatest becoming.

And that everything is working out to the greatest possible outcome FOR us so be patient, watch, witness, wait for the unfoldment of things…
Especially in moments of trigger or pressure.
Especially if you’re choosing to trust.

Even when it doesn’t seem like it.
Even when there are challenges or discomfort.
Even when things don’t go the way we desire or plan.

Trusting is a practice.
Something you can learn to do.
Through trial and error.

Try this✨
See where you react to make a decision from fear,
and instead wait,
and do what trust would do instead.

Then sit back and observe the unfoldment of the outcome.

It requires your willpower.
Because it’s often easier to resort to the thinking, behaviors and habits you’ve always done.
It’s a relearning process,
but see. Try it.

Comment below and share what circumstances you’re choosing to trust moving forward ✨

With 🤍
#drnikkistarr #drlove

#trust #ascension #spirituality