Abundance Code 10: Beauty



As we continue with Abundance Codes,

A Series beyond Money,

into Ultimate Living.

The next initiation is Beauty.

Beauty is an Art AND Science that holds great keys

and ways for embodiment and creation

to support us in living Abundantly in EVERY moment.

Each code is a frequency,

And ultimately a choice,

That you attune to.

Like the colors of the rainbow,

Each code is a nuance,

And together they construct the grander whole of Abundance.

They are also like hacks that ascend you and keep you in the field of Abundance so that it is your standard of living.

Because remember, money alone does not guarantee Abundance,

as it is far more complex and sophisticated than that.

As we co-create the New Earth together,

A space of love, joy, peace AND abundance for ALL beings and things,

It serves us to be initiated and activated so that you BECOME the living EMBODIMENT of these Abundance Codes,

So that ultimately these frequencies support you in holding greater and greater amounts of money and wealth as an inevitable by-product.

Essentially these Abundance Codes are important training for us conscious millionaires and billionaires here to co-create the new Earth.

Because when we collectively operate from these foundational and ascended principles of existence,

What we co-create together IS Heaven on Earth.

Each code is a channeled transmission of soul wisdom, guided meditations, light language & energy work to support your greatest becoming 🌬️

As with all Abundance & Ascension Codes, in this code you’ll be guided on a journey that includes channeled soul wisdom, visual meditations, energy work and light language transmission to support your transformations and greatest becoming down to the cellular level.

Choose just this Resourcefulness Beauty Code ,

a bundle of 5 ,

or ALL 18 of the Abundance Codes


  • You receive lifetime access to this code.

  • All codes include channeled soul wisdom, guided visualization meditations, energy work and light language to support your transformations and greatest becoming.

  • After registering, the confirmation page will have the link for you to immediately request access to the transmission inside a private Facebook group.

  • This code is included in 1:1 work and group mentorship.

I recommend all 18, and to go through them in order because they all build on each other and support you in activating your greatest, magnetic Abundance embodiment.

With love and lavish Abundance,

Dr Nikki Starr