Abundance Code 4: Love
the fouth code of the abundance codes series is here…
l o v e
When we are feeling love and in love all of life feels perfect and abundant.
In this code we amplify your field of love to magnetize even more abundance into your life.
Love is the strongest co-creative force there is hence why:
>It is a portal to our greatest Abundance.
>It becomes inevitable that we feel inspired to create when in Love.
And since Love is truly what this life is all about, of course it is an Abundance Code.
When we are in love,
embodied as love,
all of life is Abundant.
Thus when we are in love, as love, every moment feels incredible and much of our needs and desires shift to contentment.
So when you choose to create and live life from that content, fulfilled place,
instead of need,
this is true Abundance.
Specifically this code includes:
✨The aspects and essence of love to have in your life to activate greater abundance.
✨A channeling and activation on how Love brings fulfillment where everything feels overflowing.
✨A specific practice to manifest even more with love.
✨More on how creation in love is sourced from Abundance, and activating this in you via the light language and energy work.
✨A deep dive transmission on abundance and love, also as it relates to divine union.
✨An opportunity for you to receive energetic activations to magnetize your field to receive greater abundance
✨A guided visual meditation & energy work all to support you in being and feeling the Love that you are.
I invite you into Abundance Codes: Love.
This transmission is now available for you.
Choose this 1,
a bundle of 5,
or all 18 at a special rate.
You receive lifetime access to this code.
All codes include channeled soul wisdom, guided visualization meditations, energy work and light language to support your transformations and greatest becoming.
After registering, the confirmation page will have the link for you to immediately request access to the transmission inside a private Facebook group.
This code is included in 1:1 work and group mentorship.
I recommend all 18, and to go through them in order because they all build on each other and support you in activating your greatest, magnetic Abundance embodiment.