Abundance Code 9: Resourcefulness
Your power as an abundant creator resides within your innate Resourcefulness.
To magnetize in everything your heart desires and more–beyond your wildest dreams.
You are here to live an Abundant existence.
Because Abundance is our birthright.
And this year the initiations to support us in activating our Abundance Codes have been coming in nice and hot 🔥
Resourcefulness is Code # 9 of 18
This transmission activates your power to live in AND as Abundance in ALL circumstances.
No. Matter. What.
THIS is your power of Resourcefulness.
Because you can have millions in the bank and still not be living abundantly.
Just as the true masters can have zero dollars in the bank and still live in total and complete Abundance.
Abundance is a frequency, a feeling, a state of being,
and is composed of a nuance of codes that I share with you in this series of sessions that goes far beyond money.
Picture this:
You are so powerful that your essence and existence demands Abundance.
And you bring, create and activate Abundance into every situation and space you find yourself in.
This is true mastery,
Spiritual mastery and beyond.
As with all Abundance & Ascension Codes, in this code you’ll be guided on a journey that includes channeled soul wisdom, visual meditations, energy work and light language transmission to support your transformations and greatest becoming down to the cellular level.
Choose just this Resourcefulness Abundance Code ,
a bundle of 5,
or ALL 17 of the Abundance Codes
You receive lifetime access to this code.
All codes include channeled soul wisdom, guided visualization meditations, energy work and light language to support your transformations and greatest becoming.
After registering, the confirmation page will have the link for you to immediately request access to the transmission inside a private Facebook group.
This code is included in 1:1 work and group mentorship.
I recommend all 18, and to go through them in order because they all build on each other and support you in activating your greatest, magnetic Abundance embodiment.
These codes support your graceful ascension in all the ways.
With love and lavish abundance,
Dr Nikki Starr