The next Abundance Code is here ✨

As you step into receiving and holding greater levels of abundance,

the company you keep,

and the way in which you share your abundance,

affects your expansion or contraction of it.

Mindfulness in your relationships throughout your journey to greater abundance,

as well as holding your power in how you choose to be with and embody your abundance on all levels,

are also essential keys and initiations for you to experience greater levels of abundance.

The light language and energy work in this specific code supports you in being sovereign as to who and how you choose to share your abundance,

as well as who you choose to have in your field of abundance.

After a channeled verbal transmission full of soul wisdom to remember even more of your abundance codes,

you’ll be guided on a journey to optimize your energy field along with a channeled light language activation that will shift you down to the DNA level.

Choose just this 6th code,

a bundle of 5,

or all 17 at an even better bundled rate.


  • You receive lifetime access to this code.

  • After registering, the confirmation page will have the link for you to immediately request access to the transmission inside a private Facebook group.

  • This code is included in The Ultimate Year Experience, which is a monthly subscription that gives you access to ALL codes and courses at a special bundled rate.

See you inside and cheers to your greatest living embodiment of Abundance ✨

With love 🤍

#drnikkistarr aka #drlove