Ascension Code 17 is here
You may be getting your Ascension process mixed up, and quite frankly, you may be doing to “wrong.”
Believe it or not there is a quite a distortion in the collective consciousness field as to what Ascension actually is.
The truth is, it is the opposite of what the word actually means.
In fact, it is a descension process.
Ascension includes many other things as well, including:
The process of enlightenment
Greater activation of your spiritual gifts
Spiritual Awakening
Divinizing matter
Incarnating your spirit and energy more fully into your body
And more that I will discuss and explain more detailed and fully inside of this powerful transmission.
This may be the most important Ascension Code by far, because if you are as devoted to your Ascension path as I am and you are determined to live your highest timeline and potential in this life as I am, this is the most important piece of your journey because it carries with it how to live by your Divine Blueprint which holds the keys to your Divine destiny.
Inside I also guide you through a potent journey that includes:
✨a ritual to update your contract with you body for you to incarnate your oversoul more fully into your body to live your ultimate potential
✨light language to awaken dormant DNA and bring more of your energy online
✨energy healing to clear out any densities to create more space for your spirit to inhabit your body
✨guided meditation with energy work to descend your soul into your body through you incarnation channels for greater presence, embodiment and magnetism
✨channeled wisdom for you to greater understand exactly what Ascension and what supports you in your enlightenment process so that you can make the best choice to support your spiritual awakening and transformation
All to support you in your Ascension process.
Choose just this Ascension Code for €33
A Bundle of 4 for €99
Or all 17 for €333
They are embodiments, healings and virtues to support your greatest becoming ✨
All for the highest good of all and to activate you even more in your Ascension process.
You’ll receive the link to our private Facebook group to access the transmission on the checkout confirmation page.
Another option is to register for 4 or all 17 Ascension Codes at a bundled rate.