Journey to The Beloved

The Third Live program of the year is here.

One of the things that requires the most courageous heart is…


The kind of Love you’ve always desired and dream of is meant for you, and is possible for you NOW even if you’re single or you’re in a relationship…

The path of Love for our greatest ascension is not for the faint of heart.

If you’re here for this kind of ULTIMATE LOVE,

This is known as Divine Union.

Beyond Love, you and your beloved are meant to serve each other’s greatest becoming and the fulfillment of your missions.

The mirror that this level of Love provides, is meant to heal you and calls you to your ultimate potential.

Before my beloved and I met, we were both seeking this level of Love.

We’ve been on a wildly transformational journey that has rocked us both to the very core to face our shadows and overcome limits and obstacles within ourselves and in the world around us to transmute from twin flames to divine complements.

We feel it is our collective dharma to serve the healing of the man-woman relationship in this lifetime, where many of the lessons and karmas we have lived ourselves.

We’ve descended into the fires of hell to face our fears and heal our shadows.

We’ve risen into Heaven experiencing and embodying the sweetest devotion for each other, and Divine Union Bliss.

The God & Goddess and Guardians of Love speak through and support us.

The embodiment of Divine Union is our path.

Through Tantra & Team Work we Transmute.

Against the odds we Rise together.

In Unconditional & Divine Love we hold space for our greatest becoming as Individuals & as a Couple.

It is a spiritual path we are willing and committed to.

No. Matter. What.

For each other.

And for the highest good of all.

In celebration of Valentine’s Day beloveds, we celebrate our Love by offering you:

Journey to the Beloved

For the Co-Creation of Divine Union

For both Individuals & Couples

(All relationship statuses welcomed)

12 Modules

Including 3 Q&As
Plus teaching and activation modules filled with verbal transmissions on the feminine, masculine, polarity, communication, dating, relationships, etc., as well as rituals, guided meditations, energy work, light language and more.

We begin on the 2/22 portal.

Earlybird is now $1111. Payment Plan $444 x 3

Full price will be $2222. Payment Plan $888 x 3

Note: This course is included in The Ultimate Year Experience where you receive access to all codes and courses at a special monthly membership rate:

With so much Love ♥️

Dr Nikki Starr