This game of life has a set of rules that when you play by them, life happens with so much more ease, grace and flow...

When we were in school we didn’t learn much about spirituality, the 5D world, or the spirit world...

We were left with question like...

What’s the point of life?

What’s my purpose?

Why am I here?

What’s the point of all this?

Where do I come from?

What happens when I die?

... and all the other existential questions religion and spirituality have tried to answer.

This course goes beyond religion to the understanding of universal truths and concepts to help explain life and the laws that govern the soul and reality.

The essential ingredient to living your ultimate life is spirituality.

One client said she was called to sign up for one of my programs because she felt like I had figured out an imaginary bridge and she wanted to learn from me what that is.


I’ve had people work with me be in awe of my transformation over the years and what I’ve manifested in my business and life.

It’s all because of spirituality, energetics and the rules I’m playing this game of life by.

The truth is many people who work with me and take my courses have already dabbled in some amount of spirituality or personal development, but there is so much more.

I’ve had clients VERY steeped in transformational work, spirituality and personal development still uncover and discover places to deepen spirituality and learn new ways of being that were much more serving for the life they were desiring. And it worked.

You may have noticed a theme in my other courses this year: meditation, rituality, manifestation.

These were all more practical how-tos in spirituality...

Whereas this Spirituality Course is more of the mindset, rules, and universal laws to abide by for that next level living.

Your mind and way of being can also radically shift when you understand the blueprint that governs your soul, mind, spirit, free will, relationships.

You may be wondering,
“Why are things not happening the way I want, as quickly as I desire?”
How do I get to that next level?
How do I change my circumstances?”

Or perhaps you’re not receiving something you desperately desire.
It could be because you:
✨haven’t yet healed aspects of yourself and aspects of your karma
✨something is not in alignment with your soul
✨you’re out of integrity and dishonest, taking actions that do not match the desired outcome
✨push away the people and circumstances that could very well help you
✨you’re too proud to admit things need to change or to take certain actions
✨have given up in some way


Spirituality is a key to unlocking your next level.

Spirituality is something we seek for greater wholeness, to better know ourselves, to bring peace to our souls.

The connection you have to your soul and spirit is spirituality.

The meaning you give to things in life is Spirituality.

The way you see the world and what you believe about the world is spirituality.

When you understand certain concepts that are universal to life, it serves as a cure all for the areas you may feel challenged by in life.

Looking at life through a spiritual lens can allow everything to happen with more ease and grace.

Honoring Universal truths and soul truths are foundational to spiritual living. What are these laws I speak of?

Spirituality to me offers hope for the new paradigm and new lens through which to play this game of life for more beauty and bliss.

I share more on this subject in this Spirituality Course.

Spirituality also doesn’t mean all love and light sometimes it requires you to say no and disagree so that you honor the integrity of your soul and heart.

Your resistance and sabotage of things in your life is because your ego is stubborn. The ego holds on for dear life. It doesn’t want to die.

You’re proud.
You want to be “right.”
You want to be the powerful one.
You want everything to go your way or it’s the highway.

So when you project that the situation or the other person is the problem.
It’s not.
It’s really you.
And the parts that don’t want to be healed.

This is spirituality 101.

Take responsibility that everything is you. It’s happening so that you can see the parts of yourself ready to heal.

This is what a trigger is.

If you’re emotional about something, it’s really about you.
If you’re talking about it, it’s bothering you, it’s asking to be healed WITHIN yourself.

The person/situation is simply showing you where the healing can happen if you desire.
Give thanks to the master teacher divinely sent to you by the universe for your evolution.

But it’s up to you if you want to dive deep into the transformation work to your greatest becoming.

Of course you can turn it all around.
Right the wrongs.
Shape up.
Give gratitude where it’s due.
See where and who have helped your circumstances.

Of course it requires courage, humility, acceptance, forgiveness and lots of other goodies.

And of course it’s always worth it.
Your karma tab, destiny and desires will thank you.

The Universe is protecting you.
The Universe has your back.
You are divinely supported.

There is a divine timing.
Things fall apart or happen in unexpected ways so that even better things come together.

Never settle because what you truly desire is around the corner.

The mega success hasn’t happened YET because the pieces haven’t fit together quite right YET.

The things aren’t happening because there is something that needs to shift.
There’s still some ego death that needs to happen for it all to manifest. that it all happens for the greatest good. In alignment with divine will.

You also need to do your part...

The path to Ultimate Living requires you to take complete responsibility for your life and everything you are creating.

So if you want things to transform, you must transform.

The moment you take responsibility for it all by diving deeper into your spiritual journey the path to living your ultimate life opens up with so much more ease and grace.

Show up.
Be kind, true and fair.
Take care of yourself. Health. Mind, body and spirit - it’s all connected.

Operate in accordance with universal truth and soul alignment.

Have compassion as everyone is doing their best and not everyone is going to agree with you. And that’s ok, how can you still love and accept anyway?

Heal and evolve yourself.
Make the changes you know you need to make.

Karma is real.
Clean things up.
Forgive, apologize, drop the ego, let go of pride.
See the other side.

Then the Universe will meet you for your demands and desires.
But you need to go first.
Of course you can.

This is a way of experiencing reality that I elaborate more on in this Spirituality Course.

Get ready to be inspired and mind blown as we open up Pandora’s box of reality.

I am so looking forward to sharing the magic of the Spirituality Course with you.

This spirit school helps to bring greater meaning, healing and goodness into your life.

This course supports you to live a more heart-centered, purpose-filled, meaningful, spiritual life.

You’ll learn the rules of this game of life so that you can play better and co-create the life you desire, your ultimate life.

Bring even more love, joy, harmony and grace into your life. Perfectly in time for the holiday season.


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✨If you’re in The Ultimate Year Experience, you’ll have access for the full year.