The Embodied Woman

This is a call to women on their healing and spiritual awakening path.

This is a call to women deeply devoted to their dharma and mission.

This is a call to women who wish to evolve beyond societal standards of success into even greater abundance & wealth beyond money.

This is for women who know they are here to co-create The New Paradigm.

This is for women who know they are here to be embodied as Love.

This is for women who know that compassion, harmony and leading with a gentleness our feminine superpower.

This is for women who have been cleansing the hustle, overdoing, overanalyzing programs from your field for some time.

This is for women who have been surrendering more and more to Divine Guidance & Grace to guide your life.

This is for women who are advanced souls where you know your next deepening & evolution is through greater embodiment.

It’s time to drop all the ways we try to protect and defend ourselves and return to love.

It’s time to melt off all the masks, stop hiding and embody your fully blossomed feminine radiance.

It’s time to stop numbing or avoiding, and do the next level of healing work that is being asked of you so that you can have juicy romance and a thriving business.

You can have it all operating in your feminine pleasure because it’s more fun that way.

AND so you stop burning yourself out, and instead operate from the infinite source of energy you can be tapped into.

This program will support you in a deeper embodiment so that you:

  • reclaim even more of more of your power

  • ignite your creations in a bigger way

  • cleanse your energy of all that no longer serves you to create space for your destiny

  • blossom fully into the sensual, pleasure filled being you were born to be

  • manifest and walk through the world with even more ease & grace

  • are even more guided by the divine for the realization of your highest timeline

  • live your highest potential in all areas of life

  • remember that your beingness is more than enough

  • feel how deserving you are of everything you desire

  • know & embody your worth to magnetize in your intentions with more ease

  • create even more love, connection & harmony with all your relations

  • inspire even more romance, joy & passion in your romantic relationships

  • infinitely receive with grace like the queen that you are

  • feel fulfilled and thrive in sharing your dharma with the world

  • live spaciously and in alignment with your truth always

  • activate your body & Womb intuition and live heart-led

  • embody the divine feminine in divine union and the divine mother in motherhood

In this well-rounded program to support your deepening & ascension,
we cover all aspects of life including:

  • Feminine Embodiment

  • Healing & Ascension

  • Love & Relationships

  • Business, Dharma & Career

  • Abundance, Wealth & Divine Provision

  • Spirituality, Mindset & Communication

  • guided shamanic journeys & Contract work

  • Meditation, Energy Work & Light Language

  • energy Clearings & Activations

  • Self Love, Self Worth, Self Care for your transformation & Glow Up

  • And more

There is so much I can say but this is a program to feel with your intuition if it calls to you.

As you know, your continued investments in you, reward you with the greatest ROI.

If you’ve been feeling ready for the next opportunity to support your greatest becoming, this program may be the very thing you’ve been praying for.

It would be an honor to have you join us.


  • 6 Month Program from Summer to Winter Solstice - June 21 thru December 21, 2024

  • We open & close this program with 2 Bonus Ceremonies & Rituals on both Solstices, the two most powerful portals of the year to anchor in even more light

  • Weekly Zoom Meeting live on Wednesdays - Time TBD to ensure all timezones needs of participants are met

  • Group Coaching Q&A Calls include direct hot seat coaching with Dr. Nikki Starr - all participants are ensured a hot seat at least once a month, likely more, to ask your questions and receive direct healing/coaching support

  • Teaching & Guided Calls include guided meditation, light language, rituals, energy activations, and a channeled transmission

  • Recordings will be available whenever you cannot attend live or for replay

  • Program will be held inside an online community space

  • Bonus PDFs and contents to support your process will be shared throughout the program

  • Pay in Full Bonus includes 1:1 session + option to add on 1:1 sessions throughout the program


$1777 x 6 Monthly Installments

$8888 Pay in full

Note: Revolut, PayPal, Wise & Bank Transfer are also options to Pay in Full. Email Dr. Nikki Starr for details
Button below is for credit card option

P.S. This offer is included in The Rose Bundle and is a better option if you are also interested in Dr. Nikki Starr’s Facilitator Training as well as her upcoming Mastermind.

I look forward to our journey together!

with love,

Dr. Nikki Starr