The New Earth Academy

Welcome to The New Earth Academy,
it is a delight to have you here considering going on this year long journey together.

The New Earth Academy was sent forth from the libraries of consciousness I, Dr Nikki Starr, channel from many lifetimes, dimensions and planets, as a resource for activating ultimate human potential for us to live our highest timeline to co-create Heaven on Earth.

If you are here, you are ready to answer the calling of your soul to deepen in your spiritual advancement and self mastery for the highest good of all.

You are destined to live your Heaven on Earth.

Your continued healing and ascension journey supports you to more intentionally and powerfully create every aspect of your reality.

As you already know, the more you become the truth of who you are and commune with your highest self and the Divine Support assisting your human experience, the better everything becomes in life, love, business and health.

The New Earth is here.
A place of love, joy, peace, happiness, harmony, prosperity and abundance for all.

It is simply a frequency we choose to attune to.

Earth currently has several paradigms playing out, and we all choose which one to participate in by what we give our time and energy to.

So much of activating the New Earth paradigm into your life right here, right now is by deprogramming, clearing and healing whatever illusions and delusions no longer serve your greatest becoming.

While at the same time, reeducating and reprogramming your mind and perceptions to expect a certain standard of living in alignment with your ultimate life.

Another important aspect is upgrading your frequency and awakening dormant parts of your DNA with light language, light codes and energy work, which allows for graceful transformations.

It gets to be an easy process, one that you can be supported in with other advanced, like minded souls.

Remember, you are so divinely guided, supported and protected.

Humans are multidimensional and have far more capacity than is currently being embodied.

The time is now to live our fullest potential.

As you do your part, those around you will notice and you positively affect and uplift every person and place you meet, contributing to co-creating the New Earth.

You also have a unique, divine essence that is your soul’s blueprint for this life.

By going through The New Earth Academy, your true nature and being is activated even more to support you in co-creating and manifesting your divine destiny with so much more ease and grace.

It is said that when the student is ready the teacher appears…

The New Earth Academy is a Divine Opportunity here for you.

The New Earth Academy includes access to:

  • Two Monthly Zoom Sessions for members only to receive coaching and intuitive guidance in a group setting. The call time will ensure that all time zones are covered. (Valued at $3333/mo)

  • A curriculum where we focus on a course or program each month, which you can watch/listen to like a podcast in your time and deepen in on the weekly zoom call. (Each course is sold separately at $1111)

  • Energy healing and activation each week with a guided experience that includes meditation, energy work and light language via access to one of the Ascension or Abundance Codes. (2 Abundance & 2 Ascension Codes is $220 when purchased separately)

  • A private Facebook group where there will also be bonus live videos. (Valued at $555 monthly)

  • The New Earth Telegram Group is a high vibe space to connect into daily with a monthly challenge or intentional container and community connection (Valued at $555 monthly).

Total valued at $5774/mo
for only $999/mo

Notes: Once Inside The New Earth Academy there is also the option to add on a pack of 1:1 sessions throughout the year as desired.
Also you can cancel your membership at anytime.

Another option to still connect into a portion of this powerful vortex of ascension is:

The New Earth Codes Yearly Membership

The New Earth Codes give you access to:

  • The New Earth Telegram Group (Valued at $555 monthly)

  • A Code A Week - Either an Ascension or Abundance Code, depending the energy or transmission of the week.
    (Ascension Codes are $33ea & Abundance Codes are $77ea)

  • 40 Days of Kali twice a year for graceful shadow work to get out of your own way (sold separately at $1111)

  • Access the monthly challenge or intentional container.

Total monthly valued at $868/mo
FOR ONLY $99/mo

Both are powerful ways to continue activating your ultimate potential and support you in living your Heaven on Earth.

Of course, I recommend you join the Academy so that you receive direct healing, coaching and activation support from me with a powerful course each month to support your greatest becoming.

I look forward to our journey together.

With love,

Dr Nikki Starr