8 module course - level 1 of 3

When I departed traditional Western Medicine, energy became my specialty.

It is the foundation of everything,
including how we feel,
and what we attract into our lives.

Your energy is important for your health,
and beyond that,
it’s what makes you magnetic,
and is how to activativate your ultimate human potential.

I feel it’s important to be a testament to my work. This is key for any excellent practitioner.

This past month I can’t even count how many times people have complimented me on my energy both online and in person.

And specifically the word “vibrant” was used several times by different people.

“You’re so vibrant.”
“You’re brighter than everything else around you.”
“You’re positively glowing.”
“You have such good energy.”
“Your energy is so special.”

These are just a few things I hear on a regular basis.

It’s such a gift to receive these words of affirmation because it continues to confirm to me how taking care of our energy really provides tangible, noticeable results.

The same is true for my clients too.
People notice the transformation and ask them what’s different…
What skin products they use…
But the truth is that it’s actually their energy that’s different.

I coined the term Energy Hygiene back in 2015 when I was hosting in person classes and workshops on the topic.

Just like we brush our teeth,
we need to take care of our energy too,
especially if we’re desiring for it to be ultimate.

I owe my energy and my magnetism to my energy practices.

This is the foundation of what makes my work unique from other coaches/healers/mentors out there.

I don’t just coach people.

I show them how to move energy in their body in relation to the world in a very specific way.

I want to share these powerful practices with you too.

I knew Ultimate Energy was going to be one of the signature courses in The Ultimate Year Experience.

I’ve been deepening in this work for over a decade.
So there’s so much I have to share on this topic.
That’s why there are a few more levels to come.

And Level 1 is this month’s course.

We begin Monday and that’s when the price increases to full price. ✨

Cheers to activating your ultimate energy and your greatest becoming. 🌟


  • Once you register, on the thank you page, you’ll receive the link to the private Facebook group where the live transmissions of all 8 modules will take place and where you’ll continue to have access to the recordings for 30 days after the last module.

  • This course is included in The Ultimate Year Experience where you receive access to all of my online courses, ascension codes and recordings for the full year at a bundled rate.