It’s a beautiful, and essential, thing on our journey of expansion and ultimate becoming.

It’s actually my word for 2022 and boy have the trust initiations been in full effect.

As we expand into 7 and 8 figures and build our legacies, empires, wealth and ultimate lives so much trust is required to:

✨make big bold moves without it making any sense where we just know it’s what we must do

✨give ourselves full permission to actually have our deepest hearts desire even when they are lavish

✨back ourselves 💯 and be unapologetic about our standards

✨do things we’ve never done before to receive even better results

✨invest in high level mentorship and long term containers that activate all the parts of us

✨know when it’s time to slow down for healing, rest and self care instead of hustle

I continue to do this at higher and higher levels.

In moments it can feel like a scary risk,
But I anchor in trust and it always pays off for me when I look back at it all.

I feel it’s important to big an example of everything I preach.

I’ve collapsed time,
and majorly anchored in trust,
with major rewards,
by making the big bold moves of:

✨raising my rates rapidly because I knew it was time and I backed myself because I know the power of the keys I hold

✨investing in high level mentors and coaches to access things that expanded me

✨taking time off work to heal and rise to a next level of embodiment even when the typical thing was to do some work related task

✨signing leases on all three of my Malibu Beach homes when any other homes would have been perfectly suitable for a fraction of the cost

✨saying no to people, opportunities and situations that were so tempting because they were not in pristine alignment


You know what you’ve gotta do.


You know how supported you are by the universe.✨