Celebration will manifest your New Year!


One of the most powerful habits of successful people is to celebrate the wins! What are you celebrating in your life these day? I hope you are celebrating something because guess what? You attract more of what you celebrate into your life! 

First, let’s get something straight here... Celebrating is not about bragging. It’s about gratitude actually. When we celebrate it’s like saying thank you! It’s about honoring yourself for a job well done! 

A powerful practice to close out the old year in gratitude is to list at least 5 things you are celebrating that happened from the past year. And WHY you are celebrating them!

For example, mine are...

I am so grateful and proud of myself for:

1. Moving into my dream Malibu beach home because it makes me so happy to wake up and see the ocean everyday and it reminds me that dreams really do come true! 

2. Creating a life enhancing transformational new online program, The Ultimate Woman, and in person teacher training program and for the success of the first groups that experienced them because supporting the rise of great leaders with incredible talents who are already helping to change the world make me feel like I am living my dharma 

3. Purchasing one of my dream cars because I feel really good driving in it! 

4. Grossing my best month and year yet because I am on the path to financial freedom and this money will help fund many non profits and projects to make this world a better place.

5. For gifting myself a white sand beach vacation because it was one of my soul’s desires for rest and rejuvenation after a year of commitment and hard work! 

You’ll be sure to attract in more things that activate your “why” so be really clear on them! 

Then, in advance, celebrate in advance everything 2020 has in store for you! You can write it down just as you write down your intentions and visualize them all manifested and celebrate them now!!! 

Then at your New Years celebration/party you can really feel what you are celebrating... all the wonderful things you’ve experienced. And of course all that you will do/receive/be/have in the year to come.

Cheers to our best year yet! 

With love,

Dr Nikki Starr 

P.S. if you’d like to work with a coach/healer/mentor for 2020 connect with me to learn more [email protected]