Don't let Mercury Retrograde stop your manifestations....

Free will. Not mercury retrograde. Or any other kind of excuses... Your free will is THE most powerful thing to create your reality.

For the love of God, do not hold back your life because it’s Mercury Retrograde.

As a mega-manifestor I have been doing excellent in the life department acting based on inspiration and desire. And taking consistent inspired action. Heck no is any kind of Mercury Retrograde stopping me!!! One of my clients asked me if she should put off moving until after Mercury Retrograde.

What do you think I said? I said a big fat NO. Move anyway! Live your life anyway!

Don’t find excuses to keep you stuck in the same old same old.

We are constantly in a state of Manifestation.

You decide your life my love. No one or nothing else.

Any limits? You’ve placed them there. Consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously 

Your triumphs? You’re responsible for those too.


You manifest everything. The desirable and the undesirable. Everything is a state of how you are being. Life is reflecting your inner landscape to you.

The great thing is that you can change your mind and decide what you want. Poof. Just like that. Perhaps you need some support from mentors like me to get going because most people can’t see what’s blocking them and how they’re standing in their own way. Invest and get the help you need.

Nonetheless, life becomes so much more fun when you realize that you get to decide everything. How lucky is that?! And so, what shall you choose?

It’s time for us all to expand and ascend and live our dreams at the speed of light!!! So the moral of the story is: 

Create your life as you desire in every moment and really use your free will.

Say yes to the adventure of life.

Say yes to the many opportunities that come your way each day.

Say yes to all that you love because in reality you are saying yes to you.

Be brave and so NO to everything that is NOT aligned.

Be brave and risk failure for the chance of winning.

Be brave, be vulnerable and allow your heart’s desires to be expressed.

Say yes to love and all the other wonderful things.

Be brave and say yes to live.

Be brave and say yes to life.

Be brave enough to live life to the fullest.

Nikki Starr Noce1 Comment