Many Faces of the Goddess

The feminine is so many flavors.
Hence why there are so many faces of the Goddess.

In my opinion, feminine spirituality is not the emptiness and stillness that comes from meditative practices.

Nor is it the intellectualization and knowing of spiritual principles.

That is all masculine spirituality.
Which of course serves its purpose,
And as a woman, been there, done that.
And for the ladies, there’s more…
We crave more…
But of course we do, because we are an entirely different species with a different brain and chemical makeup…

Men can practice what I’m about to share too (just as women have been practicing masculine spirituality for so long) to get more in touch with your feminine side if you desire to.

To keep polarity alive in your relationship, Men I recommend practice this in your time, away from your woman, to keep her in her feminine and you in your masculine when together, though of course there may be appropriate moments to reverse roles.


Feminine spirituality is embodiment and emotional range.

Yes, the more emotional you are the better.

It’s about being fully unleashed to feel it all… pleasure and pain.

The more you can feel in the right now moment the better.

It requires a de-armoring of the good girl and people pleaser.
It requires a de-shielding of needing to have it all together and perfect.

No more numbing or avoiding.

How much do you actually allow yourself to writhe with goodness and moan in delight?
How much are you really living?
Free in your body as the unleashed you?

Meet the moment and feel.
All of it. Everything.
Soften and receive.
Through your body, your vessel, the oracle.
Your body is the portal for you to access everything you’ve been seeking and desiring.

No more talking.

Talking and intellectualizing is masculine and puts you in the mind and out of your body.

Can you access and be all the faces of the goddess? All emotions that exist?

For when you finally and continuously do, you’ll feel complete, alive, fulfilled and met.

…The foundation for a thriving relationship ✨

With love ❤️
#drnikkistarr #drlove

#feminineenergy #polarity #embodiment #emotions #feel#love #connect #spirituality