A message from my friend Jakob, a Men's Sexual Mastery Coach

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Dear friends, 

Today I share with you a message from my friend Jakob who is the men's sexual mastery coach who'll be teaching some of the The Ultimate Man modules in the upcoming program. We've been dear friends for several years and even hosted a workshop in Italy together. I am so happy he is along for the Ultimate Man journey. Read below for more...

With love, 

Dr. Nikki Starr

Dear Ultimate Men,


Let’s face it. It’s not so easy being a man today. Especially not with regards to sexuality.


Firstly, if you were like me, no one really taught you anything of value about it when you grew up. You just had to figure it out for yourself. You might have secretly read some sleezy magazines or spoken a bit with some friends about it, but mostly you were left on your own. Those of us who were lucky found a girlfriend where we could explore it lovingly together, but still, actual knowledge was virtually non-existing.


Secondly, there is a lot of shame and guilt being put our male sexuality these days. Metoo went across the Western hemisphere and surely did a lot of good in exposing abuse of power in relation to sex. But it also became a witchhunt in some instances and left the impression in the public mind that male sexuality is just about – abuse.


This is very sad because male sexuality is much more than that. It can be generative, giving, joyful, strong and used correctly it can bring all the other areas of your life to their fullest flowering. This is one of the secret teachings from the Taoist tradition that sexual energy, together with the heart energy, has the capacity to multiply indefinitely. So anything you give it to will grow exponentially. Which is also why the correct use of your sexual energy is very powerful if you want to manifest your dreams.


On top of that, if you learn to channel and direct this energy correctly, it solves most of the sexual problems that can hit men. Most cases of premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and performance anxiety can be dealt with through the correct use of body and mind, and without any pills whatsoever. Finally, turning the intercourse into a sacred act, it can become a vehicle for travelling your own and your partner’s psyches, leading to experiences and breakthroughs that would otherwise take countless of hours of yoga, therapy or meditation.

I will be teaching this as part of Dr. Nikki Starr’s Ultimate Man’s Program. I hope to see you there. I have been teaching this professionally for the last 7 years. I have had over a thousand men through my physical courses and more through online courses. I have seen the transformation that happens when you liberate the sexual energy in a man and direct it properly, over and over again. How he comes back to life. How he can suddenly feel himself again. How his relationship can go from dormant to thriving in weeks. I have received thank you letters from their girlfriends of numerous occasions.


Let me be honest with you. There are some techniques and practises you will need to do and some will be challenging. To really own the power of your own sexuality, there are blocks that need to be cleared, and walls that has to be punched through. Fully owning your sexual power will also make you shine more and there can be fear around that. But if you are willing to invest the time and effort the reward is manifold in return. I will be there to guide you, and Nikki also has expert knowledge in clearing various blockages.


On a final note, I’m super excited to be doing this work with Nikki. We have known each other for a few years, and after our workshop in Italy I knew we would be working together at some point. From personal experience I know the spiritual school that she is educated in, and I know for a fact that they have some of the most powerful tools for personal transformation available on the planet. Nikki brings it down to earth, keeps the spiritual depth of it and makes it personally tailored to you. As will I.


I’m looking forward to meeting you on the program. If you have any questions about my part of the teaching you can direct them to Dr. Nikki Starr.


Vital Greetings,

Jakob Kærgaard

Men, if you're ready to rise to your next level on all levels book your free energy assessment and consult with Dr. Nikki Starr to learn more >>> https://ultimatemanuprising.com/consult