The Solstice Rebirth: 2 Tips to maximize this potent energy.


The most powerful energy days of the year are Solstice and Equinox. They are days where the Earth and Sun dance in the cosmos and have various effects on life on Earth. Solstice is when the Earth is furthest or closest to the Sun, resulting in the shortest and longest days of the years, depending on which hemisphere you’re in. Equinox is when the days and nights are equal, a balance occurs. And this March 2020 I’m hosting The Balance Lightworker retreat during the Spring Equinox (click here to learn more). 

Now upon us, if you’re in the northern hemisphere where we are currently experiencing winter, is the Winter Solstice, which results in the shortest days of the year. Some places on Earth at the most northern points receive no sunlight. Energetically this is a time of death, especially when we think of the Earth cycles. Nature reflects this as the flowers are not so much in bloom, the animals hibernate or migrate south, less food is produced by plants, etc. 

While Solstice marks the shortest day of the year plunging us furthest in the direction of death, it also marks a change where we begin a new cycle and there on forward the days get longer. With each day, more life arrives. Hence, this is a powerful time/day for rebirth. It’s the tipping point.

Everything in life has cycles. And we can use this in our favor. 

I recommend these two tips to maximize the energy of rebirth this Solstice for your greatest becoming! 

Officially Solstice is December 21. If you can do these rituals on that day, I recommend it. If not within the +\- 2 days preceding and afterward are still within the portal.

1. Let Die What is Ready to Die. 

We are here in the season of winter where things die and hibernate. In the darkness surrounding the solstice energy, witness what aspects of you and your life are ready to die. Make the choice to leave it in this season once and for all. Bury it in the snow. Let. It. Go. As we see with the plants and even the animals, those that are not strong enough don’t continue on. 

What needs to go in your life? What limits, fears, ego? Which behaviors? Personalities? Which relationships? Belief systems? Habits? Addictions? Jobs? Ways of doing things? 

Write it all down. Purge it out. Burn it.

Use Fire on this day connected to fire, as the Sun is a fire element that brings life to Earth and Solstice is a day connected to the Sun.

2. Claim and intend what is ready to come alive.

Now use fire in a different way. Light a candle as an offering to your soul and all of your desires, goals, dreams. 

Take time to meditate, be still with yourself. Listen to your heart and what wishes to come alive within you. What wishes to be expressed, expanded, grown, evolved, called in, etc? What intentions? etc. Think big! This is all in prep for your 2020 in the making. 

Write. It. Down.

Then speak it to the fire. 

Keep these intentions in a safe place where you can see them regularly because remember what you focus on expands.

Feel and visualize these intentions manifested. Meditate with the candle with your eyes open watching the flame or closed. Either way open to receive whatever advice, indications, guidance etc. 

Both of these are very simple rituals but using them with the energetic power of this day magnifies their realization.

Let me know how it goes for you and any ways I can support your most epic year yet!