
The other night I pulled an all-nighter! I felt like I was back in college and loved every minute of it.

After getting out of a dance class at 10 PM on a Wednesday night I received a text from a friend inviting me to dinner.

“Sure why not,” I thought. It had been 7 years since we last connected and the restaurant was on my way home.

Dinner led to a tour of his new home to hot tubbing to a movie and then suddenly it was 4 AM. Gasp! 

I had a 6 AM work call with my assistant on the east coast!

I drove home, jumped in the shower and then I got on the call. When I told her about my night and that I hadn’t been to sleep yet she insisted I write this blog post to share how beautifully free my life is while still being in integrity with the #bosslady that I am.

She was right and so we can thank Steena for this very transparent blogpost.

The moral of the story is...

Do whatever the F you want.

This has been my mantra since I traded the MD life for the spiritual healer entrepreneur life, which is truly who I am. And I don’t regret it for one sec. In fact, I’m ecstatic over the moon. I do my happy dance daily.

And if you don’t feel like you’re living your fullest authentic expression, then something’s gotta change. Even if you’re married, have children, or work a 9-5, you can still absolutely create any life you desire. I work with people of all kinds of backgrounds and situations and trust me, life transforms in magnificent, unbelievable ways when you do the spiritual work to awaken more of your power.

I mean look at JLo once from the block and now she’s one of the hottest women alive and at 50 years old with a husband and kids, she’s dancing on poles creating a new paradigm of what it means to age and what we’re “allowed” to do/be in this era. Did you know she prays every time before she gets on stage?

A big part of having such a balanced life is being balanced within. Especially between your masculine and feminine energies. Hence The Balanced Lightworker Retreat happening next month. Join us! 

So if you’re ready to break free from the shackles that bind you, free yourself from the cage limiting your most authentic expression and life, then I encourage you to connect with me my dear. 

From one free spirit, wild child with a ton of mission and drive to another... You are here to live your Ultimate Life, both men, and women.

I invite you to join me in Italy, March 21-28, 2020, for a very rare in-person week together. This retreat will definitely reignite your purpose, power, and passion for life. Gain the clarity, inspiration, and energy you need to live your ultimate life in all aspects.