A space for spirituality and community, AWAKENING!

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I am starting a monthly membership online space for spiritual awakening and personal development this spring!!!


I’ve missed having the space to share the random channeled meditations and words of wisdom I receive regularly as I used to in my weekly classes at meditation studios.

This is a photo of the last group I co-guided through a teacher training before I decided to retire from teaching at studios to focus on reaching more people online. I love these lightworkers and definitely miss our conversations about spiritual awakening. Everyone loved the cosmic conversations! Plus the community we co-created was another inspiration to launch this subscription online space.

This monthly membership option will be more affordable and less of a time commitment than my transformational programs for those interested in getting their feet wet while still diving deeper with me than what you get on Instagram and blogs.

I am BEYOND excited to announce the launch of this online monthly membership space!!!

Think the meeting of:

  • spiritual school

  • meditation studio

  • Q&A office hours

  • community

  • Lots of love, connection, and awakening.

Another way the monthly membership differs from my structured programs is that it’s more in the flow of what’s needed right now based on what’s happening in the world and what’s coming thru for the collective to heal at the moment. Plus there’s time to philosophize about the meaning of life, spiritual awakening and whatever tickles your fancy in the office hour sessions.

Keep a lookout for the official launch date coming next week because there’ll only be 99 spots available and you’ll definitely want to snag one!

I look forward to having you in this tribe!

Comment below if you know someone who’d be interested and if you’d like to be contacted directly by someone from my team once enrollment opens. Remember as we come together on our spiritual journey the transformations, healings and insights are exponentially more powerful!

Stay tuned for details!

With love,

Dr. Nikki Starr