Christmas, The Birth of Christ Consciousness

Christmas is about birth, the birthing of Christ consciousness. Regardless of religion, we are all familiar with Christ consciousness—a loving, compassionate presence. The saying, "What would Jesus do?" is the same as saying, "What would Buddha or The Dalai Lama do." These beings reached enlightened states of love during their lifetimes, leading by example.

Each and every one of us has the capacity to forgive and choose love. So this holiday season, channel that light within you and be extra loving, understanding, kind, compassionate and forgiving. Release old grudges and may this light lead you into tomorrow and everyday.

And so I share with you this quote from the book Love in a Time of Cholera because everyday in every moment we have the choice to be born again, born into our highest selves radiating love to share with the world. Blessings, and have a beautiful holiday.