Posts in Get Inspired

It’s not the things that happen to us, but rather our interpretation of them. The same event could happen to 3 different people. One would say that was good luck, the other bad luck, and the other may not even think it significant. One aspect of living a spiritual life is giving meaning to things, knowing that nothing is random or happens by chance.

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People often tell me my energy is intense. It is.✨

I come from a lineage where we can move the clouds and elements.
A proper sorceress. Sometimes when I transmit energy the lights flicker. Sometime it can feel like I come in like a wrecking ball. But it’s for the highest and best good of all.

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Emotions are simply energy in motion.

Emotions are simply energy in motion. They give us information about how we are relating to the present moment. As an empath and feminine being, I feel countless emotions in a single day. It’s quite incredible. This can be a lot for a masculine being to understand whose nature and pull is towards centeredness, groundedness and emptiness.

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May there be many great loves in our lives.

May there be many great loves in our lives. People who touch us so deeply that it changes the course of our lives and how we experience the world forever. Some will be lovers and some will be great friends. Some of it will be bittersweet because of words unspoken, actions not taken, the timing wasn’t right, values weren’t aligned, etc.

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Can you rewrite your own paradigm over and over again?

Can you rewrite your own paradigm over and over again to stay true to the truth of the moment, the truth of your heart, the truth in relation to others? Can you break your heart open wider to love even more? Can you love in every moment like it is the first and last time?

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Existence is a paradox.

This existence is a complex conglomeration of realities and dimensions far beyond what the eye can see.

You are a universe unto yourself.

The expression of life that happens through you is a miracle and is influenced by so much and so little.

Existence is a paradox.

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It happens.

It happens. Life throws you curves balls and circumstances to which you have no control over… You try your best to shift things and make things happen and “do” your way out of it, but nothing seems to make a difference…

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How much of your life are you are yes baby yes?

How much of your life are you are yes baby yes? A full turned on yes… An ohh baby yes??? There’s ordinary living and extraordinary living. Ultimate living is within the realm of extraordinary…

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Life is a mirror reflecting back to you what and who you are. 👀

I was sharing with the ladies in my personal mastermind how many hot, available men there are in Ibiza! 😻 And one of the women replied to me: “Nikki Starr Noce Soak it in!! And I think it must be you - not them :) When I lived in Ibiza so many women were complaining that there were no good men there. While I kept finding myself being surrounded by great men ✨✨✨”

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The bliss you can access from meditation

The bliss you can access from meditation, nature and energy alone is more than you need for your greatest becoming. That’s why more than half of my session time with clients is meditation guidance and energy work, usually while I’m in or looking at Nature to channel Her into the space.

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Let’s talk about Atlantis.

The Earth is much older than most people think and has been home to advanced human civilizations far before what is taught in textbooks. Remnants still exist. The cellular memory in our bodies still exists too. Our soul may even call us to places to visit in order to reactive the dormant frequencies in our genome hence why certain places are called power points.

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Living a spiritual life is living with meaning, knowing there is a grander plan, and that we are here to grow, evolve and express an important purpose in the world. Life is a co-creation operating on laws of karma and will power from the God-like power of your soul and true essence, which all existed long before this incarnation, entangled with the many lives you’ve already lived.

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We are meant to live extraordinary lives.

Whatever that means for you.May you discover what that is for you… And may everything about life be an absolute HECK YES with the courage to discover and change when required for your greatest becoming… For me, it’s about… Freedom of expression, time and location Incredible experiences that make for epic stories (like my birthday this year - a post is coming)

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I live one the most unconventional lives I’ve ever known of.

Once I achieve something my soul is ready for the next thing. Even when I’ve arrived and life is epic, I know there’s more available for me if I dare to discover… I believe we are here on Earth to have as many experiences as possible. I live for an Extraordinary life so I take BIG risks.

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For those who really know me, they know I am an unstoppable force.

I go for what I want. I take life by the horns. I’m a revolutionary and trailblazer. When my stingray foot injury happened, and there was the potential I needed surgery, one of my besties was like maybe you’re not supposed to go on your trip and you’re being protected. Then she said, “Because nothing stops you.”

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The greatest medicine is love…

If you’ve been following my stories on Instagram you know that I was stung by a stingray in Malibu that resulted in a hospitalization while in Miami for a ruptured tendon and cellulitis infection. The greatest medicine I’ve received from this experience has been love.

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