Greater Sovereignty : Not giving a flying FU(!<

On the ascension journey to greater sovereignty you’ll reach the moment where you no longer give a flying fu(!< 🙌🏽

Congratulations when you do 🥳

Is the hallelujah moment.
A thank the lord/goddess/universe moment…

Is when you finally begin your FULL authentic expression.

And it’s not that you don’t care what people think,
because let’s face it, we are sensitive, loving beings…

But it’s just that you begin to love yourself more.
And the power that begins to grow inside of you is unstoppable and will rise up to be unleashed.

The full activation of your 5th chakra, throat energy center, the space of your expression, comes later on the path of ascension.

As you clear cords, baggage, energy and the karma of everything weighing you down and all that you feel obligated to, you begin to reclaim your power as you collect your energy and soul parts from wherever they’ve been bound, siphoned, suppressed or restricted.

You finally feel and become free.

Free to be all of you.
Free to fully express as you.
Free to do whatever the F you want.

I’ve talked about the F it moment before.
It’s such a powerful moment because you really honor you, your needs and what you desire.

You finally begin to live for you.

Of course it can be scary because you may let people down and others may not agree with your choices.
But it doesn’t matter.
This is YOUR life.
Start a revolution.
Make this life as epic as your pretty heart desires.

And the truth is that those who truly love you wish only the best for you and only want your happiness.

What are you ready to clear and let go of so you can step more fully into your sovereign power and live the life you came here to live?

What aspect of your authentic expression are you ready to embrace more fully and share with the world?

Heal yourself.
Do the work.
Become the you you’re destined to be.

Trust me, it’s so worth it.

You’ll feel more alive, in love and turned on in ways you’ve never imagined ✨

Plus, remember, this is why your soul came here. The forces are on your side✨

With love 🤍

#drnikkistarr #drlove

#ascension #freedom #empowerment #sovereignty #power