Posts tagged ascension
Trust is a Choice

When we choose to live a spiritual life, we often have no idea how interconnected and intelligent reality really is.
For me, living a spiritual life is giving meaning to things and being intentional about everything.
Back at the start of 2022, I chose Trust as the word of the year. I had no idea what I was thinking 😅 because the tests and trials I’ve been put through to support me in embodying this higher frequency state of being have been unreal!

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People often tell me my energy is intense. It is.✨

I come from a lineage where we can move the clouds and elements.
A proper sorceress. Sometimes when I transmit energy the lights flicker. Sometime it can feel like I come in like a wrecking ball. But it’s for the highest and best good of all.

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Emotions are simply energy in motion.

Emotions are simply energy in motion. They give us information about how we are relating to the present moment. As an empath and feminine being, I feel countless emotions in a single day. It’s quite incredible. This can be a lot for a masculine being to understand whose nature and pull is towards centeredness, groundedness and emptiness.

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Can you rewrite your own paradigm over and over again?

Can you rewrite your own paradigm over and over again to stay true to the truth of the moment, the truth of your heart, the truth in relation to others? Can you break your heart open wider to love even more? Can you love in every moment like it is the first and last time?

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Existence is a paradox.

This existence is a complex conglomeration of realities and dimensions far beyond what the eye can see.

You are a universe unto yourself.

The expression of life that happens through you is a miracle and is influenced by so much and so little.

Existence is a paradox.

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It happens.

It happens. Life throws you curves balls and circumstances to which you have no control over… You try your best to shift things and make things happen and “do” your way out of it, but nothing seems to make a difference…

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How much of your life are you are yes baby yes?

How much of your life are you are yes baby yes? A full turned on yes… An ohh baby yes??? There’s ordinary living and extraordinary living. Ultimate living is within the realm of extraordinary…

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Let’s talk about Atlantis.

The Earth is much older than most people think and has been home to advanced human civilizations far before what is taught in textbooks. Remnants still exist. The cellular memory in our bodies still exists too. Our soul may even call us to places to visit in order to reactive the dormant frequencies in our genome hence why certain places are called power points.

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Living a spiritual life is living with meaning, knowing there is a grander plan, and that we are here to grow, evolve and express an important purpose in the world. Life is a co-creation operating on laws of karma and will power from the God-like power of your soul and true essence, which all existed long before this incarnation, entangled with the many lives you’ve already lived.

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3 Offers This Month!

The next Ascension Code is here…Surrender. And right at the perfect time. There has been a cosmic joke with the Divine that I must live each one to the fullest. | Beginning Friday I’ll be sharing another side of the wisdom and consciousness I transmit that I haven’t so openly shared before in this 3 day event. | My work is actual energetics.
Not just talking about it. We work on your energy body and your subtle energy layers to create transformation. But if you’re ready for ultimate embodiment and ultimate living it begins with you and the nuances of your energy 🌟

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My growth has been rapid and exponential.

On the journey of my continued ascension and greatest becoming, my growth has been rapid and exponential. I’ve had fears of leaving people behind, clients not continuing on as I raised my prices, relationships ending because my dreams had changed to become even bigger. All of these things did happen… But then I was blessed with so many beautiful things and people that met the levels I was expanding into.

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Our blossoming goes through seasons.

Indeed this is normal. But what if we have the power for it to be spring and summer as much as we desire it to be?…so that the fruits of our labor continue to blossom and produce even more ✨ I believe we do have this power… That’s why we invest in high level healing, coaching and mentorship.

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Whenever clients ask me how much they should charge

Whenever clients ask me how much they should charge for their services or how much of a raise to ask for, there are many questions I ask. Everyone feels the desire to raise their rates for different reasons. The truth is, only you know your true price.

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Ascension Codes: Trust this Wednesday ✨

#storyofmylife And my word for this year is T R U S T. Even after all these years of living a wildly unconventional life, and manifesting some of the most mind-blowing things… There are still moments I worry, fear and wobble. Sure, it’s normal to feel those moments of doubt as a human… But it can set us back big time on the path to living our ultimate life.

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Happy Love Day you beautiful humans!

Happy Love Day you beautiful humans! Whether you are in a romantic relationship or not, today is about love. May you be love. May you spread love. May you feel love. How will you spend Valentine’s Day? What will you do to honor love?What will you do to love yourself?

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This Valentine’s Day ❤️ Ascension Codes: Love

The Valentine’s Day transmission is here. The next Ascension Code is here. Love. But of course. During the Month of Love. On the Day of Love. Hosted by Dr. Love. And this one is powerful. But a different kind of power. A soft, gentle power that is quiet yet palpable.

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