If Rapid Expansion 🚀🌟 is for you... read this!

I am just back from a trip to Mexico where I was vacationing and also hosting a workshop. I'm in celebration mode regarding the incredible results my clients are experiencing as individuals and couples. I want to share the good news with you so that you can feel the hope that it's possible for you too!


“I just achieved my 7 year goals!” My client in my Ultimate Woman Program said to me, smiling proudly on the screen.

Only 3 weeks into the 13 week program, and already she’s:

🌟relocating her speech pathology practice to a brand new large office
🌟receiving 2-3 new clients per weekincreased her rates by 50%
🌟hired help to support her rapidly expanding business
🌟created package options and a more professional onboarding process
🌟making 5x more than her husband

Woo hoo! I’m so happy for her. I feel like a proud fairy godmother. l LOVE 😻 when my clients implement the advice and take inspired action.

She asked me how we can continue working together after the program because everything is upleveling so fast. “We figure why stop!” By “we” she’s referring to her and her husband.

Three months ago they began couple’s coaching with me. Her relationship with her husband has ignited with a new found passion and pleasure they’ve never had before. 💋

They’ve been together for years and before couples coaching they had a sexless marriage. Now, they admit to having the best sex of their life that lasts for hours! One hour is a quickie, but usually they go for 3 or 4!

I laugh to myself in awe of how incredible the results can be when people are dedicated to themselves and their continued expansion. I’m passionate about working with high achieving women because the sky is the limit in terms of what’s possible.

Her rapid transformation is so admirable, and the truth is we’re just getting started! She has 9 more weeks of the program to go and then...

The next step for her is the Radiant Starr Mentorship & Mastermind, which I only launch once a year in January. This is an exclusive container available ONLY to women who’ve graduated from TUW Program👸🏻. It’s the creme de la creme for the women who are totally devoted and committed to all of the juiciness life has to offer.

Are you one of these women? Is this for you? 🏻

Imagine what’s possible for you too when you open the door to coaching with me.

Ladies, if you’re ready for rapid expansion in your business/career, juicer love and relationships, and to feel the most radiant, confident and feminine you’ve ever felt, then book a chat with me or someone from my team to learn more >>>


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Men & Couples book your online chat here:



With love️️❤️
Dr Nikki Starr 


P.S. You can watch a video testimonial of her experience on my IGTV @drnikkistarr here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNC9onrDu2D/​