Men: Being With an Intuitive Woman...

This post is for the men…

Being with an awakened, intuitive woman will be one of the greatest challenges of your life.

But the good kind of challenge.

The kind of challenge that inspires your greatness.

Truth be told, it won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

Not all men are ready for the activations that come with such a sacred union. And that’s ok.

But for the men ready to stand in the fire of transformation, the upgrades are incredible and inevitable.

Her energy and gaze will blaze through your life burning away anything that is not truth.

You will be called to your highest integrity.

The freedom you will feel through such a love when you choose to evolve into your ultimate self will be unparalleled.

Everything in your life will flourish.

Her shakti breathed into your soul will ignite your life and purpose like nothing you’ve ever known before.

Her powers become yours.

But best of all, you will be loved greater than you’ve ever experienced.

The love of an awakened intuitive woman is a part of her purpose. It’s ancient and runs deep.
It’s one of the greatest gifts to the world.

Her love will open your heart and fuel your soul.
You’ll feel more alive than you’ve ever felt.
And the pleasure… oh the pleasure.

You may want to run at times but I dare you to lean in and discover what love can do ✨

Dare to love, cherish and devote your life to an awakened intuitive woman and allow her to rock your world.

In the grand scheme of it all, you’ll be so happy that you did ❤️

With love,
#drnikkistarr #drlove

#sacredunion #relationships #love #soulmate #twinflame#beloved