Beware of your Shadow Power From The Opposite Sex

Beware of your shadow powers…
Especially in any relationship with the opposite sex…

Women you have the power to turn a charming prince into an angry arsehole frog.

Men you have the power to turn a loving queen into a crazy jealous betch.

Yes, unfortunately, you do have this power.

When women emasculate men by interrupting them when they speak, interrogating them with questions insinuating they cannot be trusted, nagging and insulting them, putting down their manhood - men will retaliate, objectify and the woman becomes the enemy.

When men forget the intuitive nature of women and are secretive or lie, when they are dismissive, avoidant or gaslighting, and do not follow through with actions nor honor their words, she will lose trust and the fiery wrath of feminine rage will ignite because she will not feel safe.

There are many formulas in how we can polarize each other in relationship, both pleasant and unpleasant.

I share this toxic one because it’s a story we’ve lived for eons and it’s time to end it.

I pray this will save much pain and many fights.

The first step is awareness of the pattern.
And now that you see it…
How do you contribute to this dynamic?
What are you ready to shift in how you show up?

You go first.
Put your sword down.
Act with honor.
Be honest, transparent and in integrity.
Lead with trust, be patient and listen.

Men and women have these very obvious trigger points that happen in relationship because this is lifetimes of karma we are healing and clearing together.

I am here for the healing of the man woman relationship. I have lived all scenarios in this life and past, so it is from trial and error that I plead to all men and women:

Heal the ego.
Let go of the past.
Choose love.
Be transparent.
Share and listen.
Put down the armor.
Open your hearts.
Allow for processing.
Be a safe space for each other.

And of course if you or the other cannot meet each other in this space of respect, then it may be best to move on.

For those who choose to,

We are writing a new story of the man woman relationship. ❤️❤️

With love 🌹
#drnikkistarr #drlove

#love #relationships #healing #soulmate #twinflame #polarity