Posts tagged healing
Continued Mentorship & Healing to Support Your Mastery & Ultimate Success

For those of you committed to living your ultimate potential in this life and you feel you have a mission and gifts to share with the world, this episode and my upcoming year-long mentorship will speak to you. 

Continued healing and mentorship supports your mastery and ultimate success.

Essentially, our healing journey never ends, and truly the swiftest and more graceful path to the success we envision for ourselves is through mentorship.

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9 ways my mentorship space is unique and supports your next level success

I invite you into my next year-long group mentorship! We begin 2/22.

It will absolutely activate you into your next level. 

No matter how many mentors you’ve worked with, I guarantee this work will uplevel and transform you in ways beyond your expectations. 

In this post I share 9 ways my work and methods are unique to support your next level success.

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People often tell me my energy is intense. It is.✨

I come from a lineage where we can move the clouds and elements.
A proper sorceress. Sometimes when I transmit energy the lights flicker. Sometime it can feel like I come in like a wrecking ball. But it’s for the highest and best good of all.

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Emotions are simply energy in motion.

Emotions are simply energy in motion. They give us information about how we are relating to the present moment. As an empath and feminine being, I feel countless emotions in a single day. It’s quite incredible. This can be a lot for a masculine being to understand whose nature and pull is towards centeredness, groundedness and emptiness.

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Life is a mirror reflecting back to you what and who you are. 👀

I was sharing with the ladies in my personal mastermind how many hot, available men there are in Ibiza! 😻 And one of the women replied to me: “Nikki Starr Noce Soak it in!! And I think it must be you - not them :) When I lived in Ibiza so many women were complaining that there were no good men there. While I kept finding myself being surrounded by great men ✨✨✨”

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Let’s talk about Atlantis.

The Earth is much older than most people think and has been home to advanced human civilizations far before what is taught in textbooks. Remnants still exist. The cellular memory in our bodies still exists too. Our soul may even call us to places to visit in order to reactive the dormant frequencies in our genome hence why certain places are called power points.

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Confession: This is where I have my calls with 1:1 and mastermind clients…

Cozy in bed, looking at the ocean. Yes, it’s divine. And luxurious. Just as working with me is a luxury. It’s not something that’s needed. But life is better for it. Just as with all luxury that is desired. I only wish for it to come from desire.

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A tip on how much to spend on coaching, healing and personal growth.

Wondering how much to spend on coaching, healing, mentorship, personal growth, support? Well, there’s no “right” answer, but after a decade in the biz, and from my personal experience and my clients… At MINIMUM, I recommend investing at least 10% of the income goal you desire into your personal development. And to reiterate: The amount you choose to invest is based on your GOAL.

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The Ebbs & Flows of Money

I want you to know the ebbs and flows of money are a real thing that everyone experiences. It’s normal. Sure, you can achieve a goal of consistency, and maybe for some that’s the goal. But for others it’s quantum leaps and exponential growth. For some of us there’s always a desire for more. With my life and work, I like to offer glimmers of hope Evidence of what’s also possible.

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Money is spiritual

Finally, this month, I’ll be sharing on the energetics, mentality, ebbs and flow of money. Here’s the thing. I imagined I would’ve been a millionaire before teaching about money. There are, however, many phases we go through before reaching 7/8 figures or tres commas status. The truth is if I wait to share a money course until I arrive at such a place, I’ll likely miss and forget to share on a lot of what many people are experiencing right now in relation to money.

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Navigating challenging situations as love...

I cried SO hard yesterday. The hardest I’ve cried in as long as I can remember. Navigating such fine lines between self love, protecting my energy and boundaries while negotiating a completion. All while doing my best to be love.

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2/2/22 Angelic Portal Vibes

Hello my beloveds from the 2/2/22 angelic portal. It’s a magical day to begin emerging from the chrysalis.
I’ve missed you. This past month I focused on 1:1 clients and in person retreats. BUT I mostly spent my time realigning, healing, resetting my nervous system and upgrading my energetics for this incredible year ahead.

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Take responsibility for your life with the help of Rituals✨

This past week was a wild roller coaster of emotions. Don’t worry, it wasn’t just you! There was the longest lunar eclipse in 500 years and a full moon. This is a time when toxic patterns, shadows, karma and all that is ready to be released comes to the service. Karma is the universe's response to the words we speak, the actions we take and the things we feel and do. I share more about karma and Rituals in this video:

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This makes me sad💔

The most important thing in this life is:
✨your greatest becoming
✨your spiritual evolution
✨creating and living as your fullest potential.

As a seer and Medicine Woman it makes me sad to witness people sabotage their lives.

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My most vulnerable post ever.

This is the most vulnerable post I’ve ever written, but I’ve done so much healing and transformation that I feel it’s time to share.
I feel this is important to share for anyone who has ever felt against all odds.
Trust me, I know times can get tough.
I’ve lived my fair share.

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My Secret Hobby...

I’ve been quiet lately—suffering from writer’s block since my trip to the Amazon. Today I realized that sharing my secret hobby with you would facilitate me in sharing my Amazonian adventure.

For those of you who have been following my journey, the signs have been present, but I haven’t really been so verbal about. To many of you it may seem weird because, heck it was weird to me when all of these interesting experiences kept happening across my path.

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