Femmegetics Masterclass begins 3/2 ✨

I got woken up two nights ago at 3AM because this wanted to come through...​​​​​​​


Femmegetics - my newest masterclass where I explain how to use feminine energetics for living your ultimate life.

Yes, I made this word up from Feminine & Energetics.

Two words that have played a significant role in my continued ascension and evolution.

Two words I continue to deepen and steep in.

Two energies I continue to focus on because they have radically changed my life.

And so Femmegetics was birthed 

A play on words.

A perfect infusion together.

This and so much more I’ll be sharing with you this March.

Join me for a powerful 3 days:
3/2 3/3 3/4
@ noon pacific.

Note: This one is just for the ladies, but men, there are more goodies coming in March that you can join in on too including a new Ascension Code and a Money Course. Stay tuned ✨

With love,
Dr. Nikki Starr