Money is spiritual

Finally, this month, I’ll be sharing on the energetics, mentality, ebbs and flow of money. 

Here’s the thing…

I imagined I would’ve been a millionaire before teaching about money. 

There are, however, many phases we go through before reaching 7/8 figures or tres commas status. 

The truth is if I wait to share a money course until I arrive at such a place, I’ll likely miss and forget to share on a lot of what many people are experiencing right now in relation to money. 

My mentor reminded me that I am in a unique position with my money circumstances and that it would serve many to share a course on money right now. I thank her for giving me the permission.

I have absolutely experienced the ebbs and flows of money in my life even still today. There has been $100,000 just hanging out in my account. And other times $1000. It even went negative once.

I feel with money there are different levels of mastery, and at different points in our lives, depending on our energy, and the season we are living, we can experience an ebb or a flow. 

Healing my relationship to money has been a big catalyst on my spiritual journey in relation to my mission, purpose, how I show up in the world and being fully expressed. 

Money has been the path to some of my greatest healings. And I have seen it in my clients too. 

Worthiness. Ancestral Baggage. Martyrdom. Scarcity. Lack. Suppression. Over giving. Illusions. Delusions. Ego. Pride.

All healed thanks to money.

I think it’s important to remember that I am just like you. I don’t come from money. The people in my family have worked hard for everything they have, sometimes having multiple jobs. 

“Working hard for your money” was a belief structure I inherited and I followed in these footsteps when I became a medical doctor, training and working more hours than I had off. 

I was also in a unique position back then in relation to money because I cocktail waitressed at bars, clubs and underground poker games in NYC where I could make $1000 in a night which was more than what I made in a week working as an intern in the hospital. 

This is when I began questioning my beliefs around money and the reality of “working less and receiving more” began to seed into my consciousness.

In 2016 I went bankrupt. I was focusing on my spiritual path. I remember even thinking “why do we need money” and seeing it as an evil thing that felt like it was enslaving people.

But then I woke up some more and realized money is spiritual and an important part of our becoming and reaching our fullest potential. I feel it helps us share our gifts and be ourselves in the most authentic way.

This inspired me to commit to my dharma as a serious business. 

This was also the turning point when I decided to start making money, reaching more people and sharing my gifts in a bigger way. 

Money became an ally and helped me show up more. 

2019 was my first year in business with this new energy around money and it was a $200K+ year. 

2020 was $100K even though almost half the year was spent in sabbatical. 

In 2021 I received $425K+ through my business and more through other means.

It’s important that you know that last January 2021 was a $3,000 month while July 2021 was a $103,000 month. 

Money is just energy you can learn to play with.

I feel I offer hope regarding what’s possible around money and abundance. 

At any moment you can instantly shift your circumstances. 

It doesn’t need to take years. 

Right now you can change your beliefs around money and what’s possible for you. 

I have manifested 3 Malibu Beach homes. And each time my business and life experienced an uplevel because I decided it would be my reality. 

This plays a role in manifesting more money as I will share in more detail in the course. 

I am not saying that I am an expert in money, but I have made leaps and bounds. And I’m still learning. I feel it’s my responsibility to share on this topic to help set more people free. 

So I’ll be sharing:

The rituals, belief systems and manifestation protocols that have helped me receive more money. 

What I feel blocks us from receiving money. 

What I believe and have experienced that creates the ebbs and flows of money. 

All so that you can become even more empowered to create your life with power on purpose. 

If you’re ready to receive this information and empower your money situation, I am offering a limited time earlybird and payment plan. The price will increase at some point without notice. 

Message me directly for more details. 

With love and in joyous service,
Dr Nikki Starr