Last Day of Femmegetics Masterclass for more ease, grace and pleasure...

(This one is for the ladies, but men, I have Ascension Codes: Trust for you too and is also feminine energetics to support your easeful living​​​​​​​✨)

Being in feminine energetics is not always easy.

Trust me, I know.

The daily challenges and stressors of life can so easily pull us into the mind, out of the body and get us spiraling into thinking how we’re going to get it all done, make things happen and fix what’s not working.

This is masculine energetics as I share about in Day 1 of my Femmegetics Masterclass.

When the feminine woman behaves like this, we become exhausted and burnt out.

Trust me, I know.

Life gets to happen with more ease and grace and pleasure.

There are practices, formulas and ways of being that help us deepen into our feminine being in a nourishing way.

Femmegetics is what changed my life, allowing me to work less and receive more.

Femmegetics is what brought me into the multi-6 figure range for my business.

Femmegetics is what regulated my nervous system so I could relax more and be the beauty and grace that I am.

For ladies ready to receive and soften some more, today is the last day of the free Femmegetics Masterclass:

With love,
Dr. Nikki Starr