Life is not for the faint of heart.

Life on Earth is not the easiest. Especially for sensitive people. But really I think everyone is sensitive, many just close their hearts because it’s easier that way. But I believe there is hope. Simply the awareness of it all. And a valiant heart to continue on even when the times are tough.

This Earth reality is where our soul incarnates to have experiences. Some beautiful and others not so beautiful. This is polarity. The forces of light and dark are at play.

Everyday we can even experience microtraumas. Something someone said. Something someone didn’t say. And of course there is the heartache and the pain that follows.

It’s normal, my love. This is part of the human condition as we know it now. But there is hope for change. Especially as we grow into deeper love for ourselves and all that is we find compassion and we learn to take things less personally.

Many of these hurts stem from viruses that are not truly human. Fear, jealousy, pride, rejection, violence, bullying, victimization, blame, anything that is not love in its core, these are the viruses plaguing humanity. They have infiltrated and have become a part of the experience. The healing process is also about releasing these ✨

For this life is not for the faint of heart, it is for those those willing to learn, grow and evolve. Those willing to shed the layers.


This life is for the warriors that are in it to create more love on the planet, bring more consciousness on the planet and support others in their rise as we rise too. Life is a never ending story of healing and becoming. We grow through what we go through, But it never ends.

As we become stronger, the conquests become greater. Life is not for the faint of heart. Really living is meant for the warriors.

The warriors of love, the light workers, the healers, the trailblazers, We fight for life, Never settling, Pulled by the tugs of the heart. The longing is real. Sometimes painful. Sometimes lonely. But we find our tribe, and the vision soothes the wounds.

The vision of a better Earth. The vision for heaven on Earth. Because we know it. We’ve lived it. In other times and other places.

Our DNA holds keys for what this life could be. So we offer hope, And we continue on until it is manifested.

No obstacle too big, we find a way, we light the way. The glimpses and tastes of the truth keep us going. Those moments of union, of connection, of love, are nourishment for the mission, reminding us why we’re here, reminding us that we chose to come here.

We stop at nothing to have it all, to win. And thankfully we continue to find each other, you know who you are.

May we keep rising together.

For those of you looking for a mentor, coach or guide to support you in your transformation, I’d love to learn more about where you’re at and how I can support your ascension>>>

P.S. I recommend setting up your call before November 1 as some options to connect with me will no longer be available.  

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