What's on the other side of lost love...

“That’s the thing about lost love, you never know what’s on the other side.”

I wrote this quote months ago after watching a movie about love. I can’t remember the name. I rarely watch movies but when I do may they be romantic comedies.

Anyway, I love love.

I love to love deeply,

And quickly.

It’s really the only way I know how.

I’m the all in kind. I mean how is it possible to love partially?

We’ve all suffered the heartache of separation and yet for most of those relationships I’m sure we can look back and say, “Thank God that ended.” Especially when you find a new love. Especially when the new one is a much better match for you. Am I right?

Every romance is a lesson, And a beautiful experience no matter how it ends.

Those past loves may be the most excellent teachers and take us on our healing journey because the pain we feel from love ending is often fuel and motivation for transformation because you know you deserve to feel differently, you know you deserve love.

And remember it’s all for your greatest becoming 💗

Once upon a time I desired for a man to come and take care of me and save me and whisk me away to a beautiful life on the beach where I could be fully supported to share my gifts with the world with ease and grace.

Well I’ve met many men along the way. And you know who was the one who came to save me?



The masculine within me that makes things happen and gets $#!+ done and doesn’t take no for an answer.

I am the one who showed up to do the transformational work, personal healing, upleveling my business and life, bringing in the big bucks, creating my own fortune and moving into my very own beach home. And now I empower others to do the same.

And guess what?

I love this story wayyyy better because I am loving living in this big beautiful home all alone (for now) EMPOWERED as F&@< AND I’d rather be a Queen than some princess waiting to be saved.

Also, #truthbomb, because stepping into my Queendom has created the space for a KING to step up and meet me, rather than some prince.

Two “wholey” empowered world changers coming together for sacred union to change the world together. What’s sexier than that?

And then they lived happily ever after.

Definitely not the end. Stay tuned for more to come.

P.S. If you're ready for be your own knight in shining armor connect with me about VIP 1:1 coaching, 3 month coaching options end 11/1 >>> drnikkistarr.youcanbook.me