May there be many great loves in our lives.

May there be many great loves in our lives.

People who touch us so deeply that it changes the course of our lives and how we experience the world forever.

Some will be lovers and some will be great friends.

Some of it will be bittersweet because of words unspoken, actions not taken, the timing wasn’t right, values weren’t aligned, etc.

Also bittersweet when the love is limited for whatever reason…

But it will never change the Love.

The greatest tragedy is to not live this love in any form.

To close off to it or reject it because it doesn’t fit the mold of whatever our ego desires it to be…

It’s better to love in some form than not at all…

The feeling of this love is our soul signaling to us that there are treasures here for our evolution.

Allow the relationship to take on another form where the love can still be lived honoring everyone’s capacity if you can…

Some love lived is better than none.

There will always be lessons to expand our soul’s potential.

Learning to live in unconditional, unconventional love, in all of its shades is our greatest work as humans.

Choose to open to love when you feel like closing.

When you want to run away, lean into it.

When you want to force it, surrender to it.

When you want to control it, lean back and allow it.

The moral of the story is to allow love in all its forms.

Some love will be for a moment,
Other love for a lifetime.

Ride the wave until it feels complete. The heart knows when that is.

Any longing to be near or thinking of someone is a sign there may be more to be lived.

Love, love and love some more.
Especially in the circumstances that challenge you.

Life will be better for it.
I promise.
For love is the beauty of existence.

With love,
Dr. Nikki Starr