Just as the seasons change, so do relationships.

Every relationship serves its karmic purpose.

Whether it’s family, friends, business, or a passing stranger you meet for a moment, every relationship as you already know is a teacher.

We often think relationships need to last for a whole lifetime, but it’s nearly impossible.

You change. They change. New lessons need to come in for your continued growth and you only have only so much time in the day.

Through all the cycles of relationships may the closing of chapters be with love, compassion and forgiveness. Wish everyone well. Set them free by coming into full gratitude for the gifts of the relationship, releasing any resentment or need for things to be differently. 


Remember that everyone is doing their best. Remember that agape love is the thread that binds all. Feel love for all that is especially for our fellow humanity as we ride this adventure of life together.

Gently and timely let get of the relationships no longer serving and welcome new ones with open arms. All the while thinking, I open fully to give and receive even more love. Love is the most beautiful thing we are here to experience on the planet. And yet it can be the scariest for most people.

Love is a practice. It’s a verb. It’s something to keep sharing and giving no matter the past rejections. It’s something to open to receive no matter how many walls you’ve built around your heart.

Love is a choice. It’s for the courageous ones. For the valiant heart. For those here to live the fullest life experience.

So give all your love away. Be bold and brave. And those willing to receive it are the lucky ones indeed.

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