What your past lives are teaching you...

Last week I connected to one of my past lives when I was a native Shaman. 

This wasn’t a surprise to me because I’ve had many lives as a shaman, my work is very shamanic, and I was born into a lineage of shamans. 


But what was surprising to me was what I saw.


Specifically what I did NOT do in that life that I’ve since carried into this life to be healed in myself and in my clients.
I did not speak.
I did not speak up when I needed and wanted to in order to create a different outcome.

I was standing at the edge of a cliff with my staff in hand watching a battle below. 
No one was going to win. 
My heart was breaking.
And I stood there.

In my present life I have been in situations where I didn’t speak up. Especially when my heart was breaking. And this was a huge disservice to myself and all the others who were co-creating these moments with me.


When have you not spoken up?


So many of my clients are healing the throat wound of speaking up. Especially regarding their truth in challenging moments. Especially regarding creating the new paradigm.


It is beautiful when I witness my clients heal this in real time and choose to speak up. It happens after we’ve talked about it and the energy healing and coaching has happened.

But it happens, and that’s what matters.

And then the next time they’re better prepared.


This is HUGE🏻🙌🏻🏻


And guess what? 
Because they healed their throat and used their voice, a new reality is created.
Enhanced relationship.
Greater connection.


When I did a healing on myself for this past life, one part of the medicine for me was to see the moments in this life where I didn’t speak up and to realize that it would have been enough to just say “Wait, this doesn’t feel right.” Because this immediately breaks the pattern of the old paradigm in order to begin to create the new. 


I now vow to interrupt the moments that do not feel in alignment. 
I pray you do too.
Say something. 
Even if it’s just a groan.


Your words and your truth are important and powerful.
You know what is right.
May you find the courage to speak.
You are here to help create the new Earth.


In this Instagram video, I share more about the power of connecting with your past lives and what it can teach you.


With love,
Dr Nikki Starr 


P.S. If you’d like to continue your personal development by connecting with your past lives, email at [email protected] to learn about options in how I can support you in this life-changing process.