2/2/22 Angelic Portal Vibes

Hello my beloveds from the 2/2/22 angelic portal.

It’s a magical day to begin emerging from the chrysalis.

I’ve missed you.

This past month I focused on 1:1 clients and in person retreats.

BUT I mostly spent my time realigning, healing, resetting my nervous system and upgrading my energetics for this incredible year ahead.

It’s still happening.
The becoming is life long.
but I felt it’s time...
because there’s so much I want to share with you...

Here’s some wisdom received from this month. Say these affirmations with me:

When my roof in my Malibu Beach Home unexpectedly had a leak due to heavy rains I realized:
✨Moments of unexpected challenges make me stronger, wiser, even more heart centered and an even better communicator.
✨I trust everything is happening for my greatest becoming.

After having a $105K month in sales while being OFF social media I realized:
✨My business expands, grows and uplevels especially when I take time for healing and self care.
✨I am divinely supported.
✨Those meant to work with me, find me, and say yes with ease and grace.

Time away from social media made me realize:
✨Spending time in softness, spaciousness, solitude, stillness and surrender is essential for my greatest expression.
✨Stronger Boundaries are good for my relationships and business.

Reprogramming and upgrading my nervous and energy systems made me realize:
✨My heart is even more open and is now in charge of my entire life and being. I am at home in my heart.
✨My body is stronger, aligned, radiant and full of my divine essence.
✨I reclaim my power. I am at home in my power.
✨I deeply trust. I am so divinely guided and supported.

Now working with a new coach in an epic mastermind with other boss babes I affirm:
✨Having sisterhood support and being surrounded by other women on the rise is activating, nourishing and makes the journey more fun!

This month was SO important. I’m so grateful for the freedom to create life on my terms and be evidence for you of what’s possible.

So much beauty and love to share with you for our greatest becoming 💫

But for now I just wanted to say hi ❤️
I’m happy to be here with you again.
I love you ❤️

With love,
Dr Nikki Starr