Pristine Alignment ✨ The Next Ascension Code is Here

Pristine Alignment is an essential code to living your ultimate life.

This is an Ascension Code where you take full responsibility for everything you are manifesting and creating in your life.

This Ascension Code takes a lot of courage (which will be inspired in you), because it requires the power of your NO.

This Ascension Code requires your trust in abundance and that you live in a benevolent universe.

If you’re wanting to collapse time around your manifestations, this Ascension Code is for you.

If you’re wanting things to happen with more ease and grace, then this Ascension Code is for you.

If you’re desiring more fulfillment in every aspect of life, then this Ascension Code is for you.

If you’re wanting to feel empowered in your power, then this Ascension Code is for you.

Discover and anchor deeper into more of your values in a pristinely aligned way.

Be unapologetic in what it is you desire for yourself and your life.

For some of us we know what we like and what we desire, and it’s just not possible for us to settle.

Those of us here for ultimate living and a life of excellence understand what I mean.

Some may say my standards are high,

But I get what I want.

And I believe this is an excellent thing.

So I like to reframe “high standards”

into Pristine Alignment.

I live my life by this.

I believe this is truly honoring our soul.

This is honoring your truth.

It’s a very specific way of 




and acting in the world.

Does it require discipline?


Deep trust?


Major confidence?


But it’s worth it.

Think of it as delayed gratification.

Or even delightful foreplay for that matter.

Because what is coming is so delicious.

Let’s activate this in you so that you can collapse time around your manifestations and receive everything your beautiful heart desires.

This month’s Ascension Code transmission is programmed for this.

Life gets to be more easeful and graceful.

Allow it.

In this Ascension Code we build a strong foundation in your core connected to your truth and desires for your greatest manifestations and becoming.

Receive the soul wisdom, 

energy healing, 

meditation guidance 

and light language 

to support you in embodying this code for your greatest becoming ✨

Attend this next one, Pristine Alignment, live this Friday 4/15 @ 12PM PST or catch the replay:

Note: The Ascension Codes are transformational transmissions with a unique theme each month. Each session includes soul wisdom, energy healing, guided meditations and light language activations, all channeled for your greatest becoming. 

All Ascension Codes are included in The Ultimate Year Experience where you receive access to all of my online courses for a year at a bundled rate.