Yes, but HOW to activate ultimate energy?

There is so much more than coaching to activate your ultimate potential.

Sure, working on your mindset, body and business strategy are all important too.

AND there’s more…

Your ENERGY is SO important.

There’s your belief system, which coaching works on through your mind.

There’s the physical body, which can be worked on through bodywork.

There’s the emotional body, which can be worked on through healing.

And then there is the energy body, which is worked on through specific practices. These practices target your energy while affecting every part of your life.

Coaching will tell you, you need to be more grounded.

Yes, but why and how?

Coaching will say it’s all about being magnetic in your energy.

Yes, of course, but how?

Coaching will say be more of you.

Yes, duh, but how?

Coaching will say you need to be in more in your power.

Yes, conceptually it’s clear but any how to tips?

The answer to all of these questions and more in relation to activating your ultimate potential through your energy are in Ultimate Energy Level 1.

Honestly, even when I have not been physically at , I still had tons of energy and was vibrant in my energy (which other people complimented me on) because of my energy practices.

Your energy is not your mind

nor your body

nor your emotions.

It’s so much more than that.

And your energy runs the show.

Your energy trumps everything always.

Your energy is the siren to the universe / quantum.

Part of the awakening of this new paradigm we are co-creating is about becoming more aware of our energy anatomy just as we have been about our physical body.

Cheers to your energy and activating your ultimate potential.

With love,
Dr. Nikki Starr