We are meant to live extraordinary lives.


We are meant to live extraordinary lives.

Whatever that means for you.

May you discover what that is for you…

And may everything about life be an absolute HECK YES with the courage to discover and change when required for your greatest becoming…

For me, it’s about…

Freedom of expression, time and location

Incredible experiences that make for epic stories (like my birthday this year - a post is coming)

So much love and deep connections with the most fulfilling nourishing relationships of all kinds

Belly hurting laughs where you even pee a little

Changing the world while in a bathrobe overlooking the ocean

Beauty, Nature & Luxury

Continuing to refine, upgrade and expand how my work is shared with the world in a way that lights me up

Pivoting, changing and redirecting my online business so that it works for me always

Manifesting wild things just because it’s fun

Meeting new people and growing my network with the most amazing humans

Feeling, being and expressing love in every moment of everyday

Getting high on life and drunk on love. Yummm

Innovating life everyday based on my whims and hearts desires

Loving where I live like I never even need to leave

Dancing as much as possible to the music I feel in my soul

Infinitely receiving all the miracles and blessings right here right now

Settling only for my heart’s desires

Reaching for the stars and beyond

May you feel how incredibly epic this life gets to be.

Make it so.

Live it up.

Savor it.

It’s all a beautiful part of the journey.

I love you ❤️

With love,
Dr. Nikki Starr