
Living a spiritual life is living with meaning, knowing there is a grander plan, and that we are here to grow, evolve and express an important purpose in the world.

Life is a co-creation operating on laws of karma and will power from the God-like power of your soul and true essence, which all existed long before this incarnation, entangled with the many lives you’ve already lived.

One purpose of the spiritual journey is to become even more present and aware in the right now moment so that we can see and heed the synchronicities that find their way to us.

For they are signs and divine messages sent for you to guide you on the path of your highest timeline.

There is no such things as coincidences.

Synchronicity can appear as signs such as numbers. Things happening at a very particular time. Such as something said or sent at the very number you find significant or on repeating numbers aka angel numbers.

They can also be the repetition of specific information, same recommendation by various people or seeing the same thing over and over.

That’s what happened to me with this Ibiza trip. I had no plans to come here until suddenly I started seeing it everywhere, meeting people who lived here, people telling me they were going and well… I listen to synchronicity.

It is in our best interest to heed the call of synchronic guidance because it is guiding us to our highest timeline.

The mind and the ego may try to steer us away from this higher path.

But the soul has expanded perception beyond what our human can see.

More and more I live my life from synchronicity. I get out of my way and allow the divine to support me.

When asynchronous events present, I know it means I am meant to change directions, things need to shift.

It is our birthright to live in the flow of the Universe.

Learning to read signs, synchronicities, asynchronicities and events is a skill that will serve you well in life.

The meaning you choose to give life and the synchronicity you choose to follow (or not) will decide your life experience.

The beautiful thing is that we get to choose.

With love,
Dr. Nikki Starr