
It’s not the things that happen to us, but rather our interpretation of them.

The same event could happen to 3 different people.
One would say that was good luck,
the other bad luck,
and the other may not even think it significant.

One aspect of living a spiritual life is giving meaning to things, knowing that nothing is random or happens by chance.

I operate under the premise that everything is happening for my greatest becoming. Even the sting ray sting I endured over these last months was FOR me. I see it as good luck.

When my clients’ relationships or businesses require attention, I remind them it’s not a bad thing, it’s an opportunity for deeper connection in love, or innovation to share their gifts more fully with the world.

Learning to interpret situations in a way that serves you is a skill that arrives with personal development via increased self awareness and an upgraded mindset.

With this skill there’s less depression, anxiety, worry, regret. Your mental health and happiness improve.

You begin to see the world differently.

The ability to interpret things for the highest good is a muscle you can strengthen. It’s one of the reasons people tell me I’m the most positive person they know.

Even last week I went to the hair salon and there was a BIG miscommunication. Instead of receiving a deep conditioning treatment, I was given a “bano de color” (a color rinse to give my hair a shiny gloss)

Basically my natural hair that was dyed dark brown/red. Of course I freaked out and cried mourning my beautiful golden hair.

But when I took the time to meditate on it, I realized it was a gift!

It served as an energetic reset, which I needed for this new chapter of my life.
Hair holds memories and energies. So instead of shaving or excessively cutting my hair for rebirth to clear away the past, the dye served to erase all energy attached to my hair.
So now, I’m grateful it happened.

I truly trust, that even if I can’t see how now, everything is happening for my greatest becoming. ✨

What is something challenging you right now? What meaning do you choose to give it if you knew it was happening for your greatest becoming?

With love,
Dr. Nikki Starr