The bliss you can access from meditation

The bliss you can access from meditation, nature and energy alone is more than you need for your greatest becoming.

That’s why more than half of my session time with clients is meditation guidance and energy work, usually while I’m in or looking at Nature to channel Her into the space.

The journey inward ultimately reflects the life manifested outward.

Yes, we can go to shadow parts of ourselves to heal and love them, integrating ourselves back to the wholeness that we are.

Yes, we can access pleasure points to feel ecstasy running through our veins because what we focus on expands and we can strategically use the kind to create our experience of life.

Yes, we can heal relationships at a soul to soul level with the powerful medicines of intention, energy and meditation without the person even needing to be physically present.

Yes, we can manifest our wildest desires with the help of these allies.

Everything you seek is within you.
Everything you need is here for you.

Perhaps it’s just choosing to learn how to access them more fully for your greatest becoming.

Honor that curiosity and calling…

Make the space and create important dedicated healing and transformational time for yourself.
You deserve it.

With love,
Dr. Nikki Starr