Posts tagged mentor
A 20+ Year devotion to excellence in the healing & transformational arts

Devotion and excellence in all that I create/do/share has been a thread line on my journey since the beginning. I’ve distilled the 20+ years of higher education, both literally & figuratively, practically & spiritually. I incarnated on this planet to change the fabric of existence and it is my duty and honor to offer this passage of wisdom and knowledge onto you. I invite you into this rare mentorship opportunity to work with me over the next year…

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The bliss you can access from meditation

The bliss you can access from meditation, nature and energy alone is more than you need for your greatest becoming. That’s why more than half of my session time with clients is meditation guidance and energy work, usually while I’m in or looking at Nature to channel Her into the space.

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My growth has been rapid and exponential.

On the journey of my continued ascension and greatest becoming, my growth has been rapid and exponential. I’ve had fears of leaving people behind, clients not continuing on as I raised my prices, relationships ending because my dreams had changed to become even bigger. All of these things did happen… But then I was blessed with so many beautiful things and people that met the levels I was expanding into.

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Beware. I see you. 👁💗👁

I see all of you if you choose to enter my world.✨ When you pay a coach/mentor like me, who is also a seer/psychic/intuitive, it’s essentially giving me permission to share what I see and how I can specifically support your expansion… I don’t believe there is a one size fits all method to anything. I also don’t believe the same rules apply to everyone.

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Whenever clients ask me how much they should charge

Whenever clients ask me how much they should charge for their services or how much of a raise to ask for, there are many questions I ask. Everyone feels the desire to raise their rates for different reasons. The truth is, only you know your true price.

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