Meditation is Medicine for Everything

Whenever I’m feeling down or not myself, I meditate. Meditation brings me back to my center. I ALWAYS feel better after I meditate.

Whenever I want to create anything, I meditate first to listen and observe what wants to be created.

I’d go as far to say I owe the beauty and success of my life to my meditation practice. 

Many people are surprised by my career path–medical doctor turned transformational life coach. It’s the best decision I ever made because now I work with people in a much more healing and profound way. And more meditation is my #1 prescription–even to myself.


My deepest wish is for everyone to life their fullest human potential. 


We have this one life to be and do amazing things, but many people let time slip away. 

They stay stuck in jobs they don’t like, relationships that are dysfunctional and miss out on the beauty of many life experiences. 

Please don’t allow this to be you!


The Power and Practice of Meditation–begins next week, Wednesday, February 28. 

I chose to create a course dedicated to meditation because it’s one of the greatest tools we have to enhance ourselves in every way–mind, body and spirit. 


dr nikki starr meditation

Meditation gives us time. 

Plus, it’s medicine for everything–it cures negativity, anxiety, depression, self-doubt, pain, laziness, complaining and everything preventing us from living our fullest potential. 


In this course I’ll teach you:

  • The basics and the advanced tips and techniques for a successful meditation practice
  • The practical, scientifically proven benefits of meditation
  • The spiritual, mystical side of meditation
  • How to use meditation for centering, grounding and peace
  • How to enhance your energy and presence with meditation
  • How to use meditation to bring more love into your life and to create a life you love


Each week we’ll cover different techniques and topics:



• Build the foundation for a successful practice

• Understand the mind and how it works

• Meditation as a tool to reprogram the mind in order to live the best human experience. 



• Learn mindfulness techniques that restore the body and in turn the mind

• Meditation as a tool for guided conscious relaxation of the body and greater body awareness

• Meditation for better sleep, rejuvenation and improved health



• Learn techniques to clear and enhance your energy field

• Learn how to process emotions constructively using meditation 

• Meditation as a tool to increase your energy levels and enhance your mood



• Learn how to use meditation to create your life and manifest what you wish in your life

• Meditation as a tool to communicate with your wisest Self to receive clarity, wisdom and insight you need

• The supernatural abilities and awakened potentials that come from a consistent mediation practice


Every session I’ll guide you through different types of meditations so you can experience them before you practice on your own.

If you can’t make all 8 scheduled sessions, that’s ok! 

They’ll be recorded for you to catch up in your time.


All resources, sessions and conversations will be hosted on a community online platform so we are connected in our own virtual space throughout the month. 


Registration is open now through Monday February 26. 

For more details and to reserve your spot visit:

I look forward to this journey with you!