Posts tagged thanksgiving blog
Happy Gratitude Day!

Happy Gratitude Day. Over the years I have come to boycott the traditional intention of Thanksgiving because the truth is that the colonization of this country was a genocide and massacre of the natives who originally lived here. The true story is finally being told. The truth always reveals itself. Nonetheless, I appreciate an official day where we can give thanks for the beauty of life and all the goodness that is happening.

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Give thanks AND forgive, especially today.

Happy Thanksgiving! To be honest, I cringe a bit when I think of what this holiday was truly intended to celebrate. It’s been so long ago, that the true history of Thanksgiving has been distorted and forgotten. I choose to remind people of the reality of this “holiday” so that history doesn’t repeat itself. It’s a marker for the pillage and genocide that the Native Americans suffered. So perhaps today is also about forgiveness too…

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This Gratitude Practice Changes Lives

This gratitude practice can change your life. It changed mine. And the lives of those I work with. And as I attract even more beautiful souls into my life, it turns out they are using it too! Is gratitude that powerful? Yes. So powerful that it can elevate life to a whole new level? Yes. Counting our blessings allows us to feel good and attract even more goodness into our lives. What better time to begin than today. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Every day is Thanksgiving.

Gratitude is a practice that enriches our lives. It’s not just something to share on a holiday like Thanksgiving. It is a daily practice. Give thanks for each and every beautiful moment, and even for the hard times, as these are where we learn our greatest lessons. Being grateful brings more joy into our everyday lives. Giving thanks even improves our health. Yes, really! What are you grateful for?

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